How do you say 5 in Welsh?

How do you say 5 in Welsh?

Some of the numbers sound like English or other European languages.

  1. Un.
  2. Dau.
  3. Tri.
  4. Pedwar.
  5. Pump.
  6. Chwech.
  7. Saith.
  8. Wyth.

What are the numbers 1 to 10 in Welsh?

Vigesimal SystemEdit

1 Un Unarddeg
7 Saith Dau ar bymtheg
8 Wyth Deunaw
9 Naw Pedwar ar bymtheg
10 Deg Ugain

How do you count to 20 in Welsh?

The numbers 1-20 in Welsh are:

  1. Un.
  2. Dau.
  3. Tri.
  4. Pedwar.
  5. Pump.
  6. Chwech.
  7. Saith.
  8. Wyth.

How do you count in Welch?

What are the numbers 1 to 10 in welsh?

  1. 1 – un.
  2. 2 – dau.
  3. 3 – tri.
  4. 4 – pedwar.
  5. 5 – pump.
  6. 6 – chwech.
  7. 7 – saith.
  8. 8 – wyth.

How do you say eleven in Welsh?

Welsh numbering rules Teens are formed by starting with the word for ten (deg) prefixed by its multiplier (one), followed by the unit, separated with a space: undeg un [11], undeg dau [12], undeg tri [13], undeg pedwar [14], undeg pump [15], undeg chwech [16], undeg saith [17], undeg wyth [18], and undeg naw [19].

How do you say 6 in Welsh?

Welsh numbers list

  1. 1 – un.
  2. 2 – dau.
  3. 3 – tri.
  4. 4 – pedwar.
  5. 5 – pump.
  6. 6 – chwech.
  7. 7 – saith.
  8. 8 – wyth.

Which is the correct way to say hello in Welsh?

English translation: Hello! Su’mae is the very first greeting many Welsh beginners learn. An abbreviation of sut ( how) + mae ( is ), it literally translates as How are (things)? Most speakers pronounce it as s’mae and it can be written this way as well.

What’s the abbreviation for how are things in Welsh?

An abbreviation of sut (how) + mae (is), it literally translates as How are (things)? Most speakers pronounce it as s’mae and it can be written this way as well. Note that it isn’t at all uncommon to hear the familiar greetings Helo! and Hiya! instead of Su’mae. Southern Welsh: Shwmae! (pronounced shoo-mai)

How do you tell the time in Welsh?

It’s important that you know how to tell the time in Welsh. Look at this clock. Notice how the face of the clock is split into two sections – the wedi (past) section – and the i (to) section. Mae hi’n bump o’r gloch. Mae hi’n bum munud wedi deg.

Which is the first Welsh phrase you learn?

One of the first phrases you’ll learn in any Welsh class is Lle dach chi’n byw? or if you’re speaking informally, Lle wyt ti’n byw? The response to this question is Dw i’n byw ____.