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How do you get Empoleon with Hydro Cannon?
As you walk around and capture the numerous Piplup that will be popping up, keep in mind that you’ll need a total of 125 Piplup Candy to evolve the smaller penguin twice and get your event Empoleon. It takes 25 Candy to reach Prinplup and an additional 100 to get an Empoleon.
When can Empoleon learn Hydro Cannon?
Empoleon will learn Hydro Cannon when evolved during the Community Day period. Keep in mind that you cannot use a TM to get this move — you have to evolve your Piplup during this time period.
Is Hydro pump good for Empoleon?
Waterfall and Hydro Cannon make Empoleon a viable Water-type attacker. Hydro Pump is an unexciting replacement to the Community Day exclusive move and is noticeably weaker. Metal Claw + Hydro Cannon provides a combination slightly better against Rock-type Pokemon.
Is Hydro Cannon a legacy move for Empoleon?
Since Empoleon is well-rounded it can be used for both attacking and defending, however, the move setup may be different. For attacking, to get the most damage you will want to run the fast move Metal Claw paired with the legacy charge move Hydro Cannon.
How do I get the Hydro Cannon?
Hydro Cannon is the highest powered Water-type move in existence introduced in Generation III; it can only be learned by the final evolution of a Water-type Starter Pokémon.
How do you get the Hydro Cannon on Feraligatr?
Players can evolve Totodile in Croconaw using 25 Totodile Candy, and then evolve Croconaw into Feraligatr using 100 Totodile Candy. When players create a Feraligatr during this event, it will know the exclusive battle move Hydro Cannon.
Is Surf good for Empoleon?
Surf. it is anexcellent STAB and it can get you around easily. Plus. it is also more accurate.
How does Empoleon learn moves in Pokemon Diamond?
Empoleon learns the following moves in Pokémon Diamond & Pearl at the levels specified. Lv. Cat. Empoleon learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Diamond & Pearl. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Empoleon egg moves page.
When do you use hydro pump in Pokemon?
Hydro Pump can also be used as part of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining extra four appeal points if the move Rain Dance was used in the prior turn. Hydro Pump’s power changed from 120 to 110. The strongest Water -type attack. However, while it is powerful, it may miss the target.
What kind of move is the hydro pump?
Hydro Pump (Japanese: ハイドロポンプ Hydro Pump) is a damage-dealing Water-type move introduced in Generation I .
What do you need to know about Empoleon Generation 4?
Empoleon – Generation 4 learnset 1 Moves learnt by level up. Empoleon learns the following moves in Pokémon Diamond & Pearl at the levels specified. 2 Egg moves. Empoleon learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Diamond & Pearl. 3 Move Tutor moves 4 Pre-evolution moves. 5 Moves learnt by HM 6 Moves learnt by TM