How do you find a vein on an obese patient?

How do you find a vein on an obese patient?

Superiorly, the cephalic vein passes between the deltoid and the pectoralis major muscles before it empties into the axillary vein. The cephalic vein is often visible through the skin in the deltopectoral groove and is a potential site for venous access in the obese [Figure 1].

Which vein is most likely to be palpated on an obese patient?

The Cephalic vein is the most easily palpable in people who are obese and is therefore the most common one used. If that is not possible, hand veins may be accessed.

Why are my veins hard to find?

Why Are Some Veins More Difficult? Veins can be difficult for a variety of reasons. Some people are genetically predisposed to having problematic veins, or their age causes the veins to be smaller or hidden. In most instances, however, it is a matter of the patient being dehydrated.

What is difficult venous access?

Difficult venous access is characterised by non-visible and non-palpable veins where a highly experienced operator is required with the use of technological aids to insert a vascular device [6].

When palpating a vein for a venipuncture procedure which vein should the phlebotomist feel for first?

6. Select a vein, release the tourniquet, and ask the patient to relax his or her fist. The median cubital vein is the first choice for blood draws because it has a decreased proximity to arteries and nerves in the arm.

What vein lies close to the brachial artery?

In the upper arm, the basilic vein parallels and is superficial to the course of the brachial artery in the bicipital groove. Proximally, it drains into the axillary vein.

Why are my veins so hard to find?

How to find difficult veins in a patient?

How to Find Veins in Patients Tip #1: Use Palpation to Find Difficult Veins, not Sight Tip #2: Use Gravity and a Tourniquet Tip #3: Use Vein Finders or Vein Lights Tip #4: Use Ultrasound to Find Veins

How to help a phlebotomist find a vein?

Ask the patient to make a fist and open their hand. This task allows the phlebotomist to see where they should feel for a vein. Try illuminating the vein. The phlebotomist may find a vein from the direct lighting of a flashlight rather than a standard ceiling light. Ask for assistance from another phlebotomist or medical professional.

Do you have to use palpation to find veins?

Nevertheless, there will be times when you can’t easily find a vein, and you must resort to other tactics. When you have healthy patients, those veins are popping out and very easy to see. However, when your patient isn’t so healthy, you’ll have to rely on palpation to find those difficult veins.

Can you use ultrasound to find a vein?

If you don’t have a vein finder or vein light, ultrasound techniques can also be used to discover veins. One time I had a patient who thought that they’d have to have a central line before the stress test, because they felt that I’d be unable to find a good vein to stick.