Table of Contents
How do you describe a speech in MSE?
Speech is assessed by observing and listening to the patient’s spontaneous speech. Note any paralinguistic features such as volume, rhythm, prosody, intonation, pitch, phonation, articulation, quantity, rate and latency of speech.
What is expansive speech?
Expansive – enthusiastic. Euphoric – feeling great, as if one just won the lottery. Affect. blunted- decrease in amplitude of emotional expression. flat – virtually complete absence of affective expression.
How do you describe affect mental status exam?
Affect is the patient’s immediate expression of emotion; mood refers to the more sustained emotional makeup of the patient’s personality. Patients display a range of affect that may be described as broad, restricted, labile, or flat.
What is latency of speech?
the ‘latencies’ – the time between you asking a question and the patient replying. the ‘volume’ – both how loudly one speaks and the number of words one uses. the ‘rate’ – how fast one gets the words out. the ‘rhythm’ – the regularity of phrasing within sentences.
How is speech and thought assessed in MSE?
The patient’s speech is assessed by observing the patient’s spontaneous speech, and also by using structured tests of specific language functions. This heading is concerned with the production of speech rather than the content of speech, which is addressed under thought process and thought content (see below).
What is the primary purpose of a mental status exam?
The purpose is to evaluate, quantitatively and qualitatively, a range of mental functions and behaviors at a specific point in time. The MSE provides important information for diagnosis and for assessment of the disorder’s course and response to treatment.
What do you mean by expansive?
1 : having a capacity or a tendency to expand. 2 : causing or tending to cause expansion. 3a : characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk : open grew expansive after dinner. b : marked by or indicative of exaggerated euphoria and delusions of self-importance an expansive patient.
What is congruent affect?
Congruent affect means that a person’s emotions are appropriate for the situation, while incongruent affect means that the emotions are not appropriate. Reactive affect means that a person’s affect changes appropriately depending on the subject of the conversation.
What does it mean to be on the path of congruence?
Congruence speaks of the correspondence between thoughts and actions. Thus, starting on the path of congruence is no laughing matter. It implies a pact of honesty with oneself, which is very important. The problem with not being congruent resides above all in the lack of trust we end up generating in other people.
What’s the kids definition of the word congruent?
Kids Definition of congruent. : having the same size and shape congruent triangles. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on congruent.
What’s the problem with not being a congruent person?
The problem with not being congruent resides above all in the lack of trust we end up generating in other people. It’s hard to trust someone who acts in a way that’s different to how he thinks.
Why are congruent people more trustworthy than others?
Congruent people generate more trust in others Congruent people tend to evoke more trust from others, since they don’t show a side different than the one they are feeling. This type of person won’t put effort into pretending or disguising their inner state.