How do you calculate how much you would weigh on another planet?

How do you calculate how much you would weigh on another planet?

Calculate your weight on another planet by multiplying your weight times the relative surface gravity of the other world. For example, let’s calculate your weight on Neptune if you weigh 158 lbs on Earth. Gravity on Neptune is 1.19 time higher than on Earth.

What happens to the mass of a person that goes to another planet?

Our mass is the amount of matter that we consist of. This mass does not change when we change planets. However, if we went from Earth to Mars, our weight would change because Mars has less gravity than Earth. Gravity is a force pulling matter together.

What happens to your mass if you go to a planet with more gravity?

Mass stays the same regardless of location and gravity. You would have the same mass on Mars or Jupiter as you do here on Earth. Your weight is different on other planets due to gravity. However, your mass is the same everywhere!

How much do you weigh on another planet?

To find what you would weigh in the gravitational field of another planet, multiply your weight on Earth times the gravitation factor listed in the table below. Example: I weigh 90 pounds on Earth. On Mercury, I would weigh:

Why does the Earth weigh different than other planets?

When you stand on a scale, what it’s actually doing is measuring how hard Earth’s gravity is pulling on you. If you were to step onto a scale on another planet, it would say something different than it does here. That’s because the planets weigh different amounts, and therefore the force of gravity is different from planet to planet.

What is the mass of the other planets in our Solar System?

What is the mass of the other planets in our solar system? Planets (in order of least massive to mo Mass (in kilograms) Each planet’s mass relative to Earth Mercury 3.30 x 10 23 0.0553 Mars 6.42 x 10 23 0.107 Venus 4.87 x 10 24 0.815 Earth 5.97 x 10 24 1

Why do scientists usually talk about mass rather than weight?

Why do scientists usually talk about mass rather than weight? An object’s weight is dependent on its mass and how strongly gravity pulls on it. The strength of gravity depends on how far away one object is from another. That’s why the same object weighs different amounts on different planets.