How do I know if my blend door is bad?

How do I know if my blend door is bad?

Signs You Need A New Blend Door Actuator

  1. Knocking. Knocking sounds can almost always be attributed to a failing blend door actuator.
  2. Clicking.
  3. Any Other Strange Noises.
  4. Inconsistent Airflow.
  5. Inconsistent Temperature.
  6. Wrong Temperature.

What does a blend door do?

A blend door is mounted within the heating and air conditioning system and pivots to divert warm or cool air into different passages within the system to keep the passenger area at the desired temperature. Blend doors move by way of a mechanical device referred to as an actuator.

What can cause a blend door to fail?

Grasp the door pivot and move it back and forth to its full travel, it should move freely. If you cannot move the blend door an obstruction has gotten in the way of the door movement which will make the new actuator fail. These obstructions can include: pen, tooth pick, small toy or bubble gum to name a few.

How can I tell if my blend door actuator is bad?

To test the blend door operation and too double check that you are changing the correct actuator motor turn the blower motor on and work the door in each way. You will be able to feel the air change temperature or vent level. Compare the bad actuator to the new unit.

Can a heater be removed from a blend door?

If the door is stuck the heater plenum with need to be removed and the problem resolved before installing the new unit. To test the blend door operation and too double check that you are changing the correct actuator motor turn the blower motor on and work the door in each way. You will be able to feel the air change temperature or vent level.

What makes up a blend door actuator motor?

A blend door actuator is made up of an electric motor that turns a plastic gear set in one direction or another which is connected to an air control door pivot at the final drive of the unit.