How did the prince help the poor play writer?

How did the prince help the poor play writer?

The playwright was very poor. He could not buy food and firewood. It was difficult for him to write a play without food and firewood. The Prince took pity on him and decided to help him by sending the sapphires with the help of the swallow.

Why did Happy Prince give all his assistance?

To eradicate misery and sorrow from his city. Explanation: The Happy Prince was a very kind hearted Statue which wanted to remove all sorrow from his city. So he asked the Swallow to help him by taking away his assets and giving them to the poor of the city.

How does the Happy Prince want to help the poor woman?

Class 9 Question The kind happy prince and the generous swallow helped the poor in many ways. Since the Prince was fixed to pedestal, he requested the swallow to take his treasures one by one to the poor he saw in need and trouble. Both of them helped the poor as written below: 1.

Who helped the Happy Prince to help the poor and needy?

One day, he met the swallow who agreed to help him in his deeds. The swallow took of the prince’s ruby, sapphires and gold to distribute to the poor and needy. The swallow also went on to make the prince aware of the poverty still existing around him, since the prince had gone blind.

How did the Happy Prince help the play right?

The Happy Prince requested the swallow to pluck out the sapphire from one of his eyes and take it to the playwright. The swallow took the sapphire to the playwright. Now he could buy food and firewood. Thus the Prince and the swallow helped the young playwright.

How does the Happy Prince help the matchgirl and why?

Answer: The prince helped the match girl by giving her one of his sapphires. By getting the sapphires she became very happy and ran happily towards her house.

What does the Happy Prince ask the little swallow to take to the poor lady?

The Happy Prince asked the swallow to take the sapphire from his other eye and give it to the poor little girl. The swallow was not ready to do so because that would make the Prince completely blind.

Why was the Happy Prince weeping?

Answer: The statue of the Happy Prince was weeping because when he had been alive, he had not known any sorrow. But after his statue had been erected, he was able to see all the ugliness and misery of the city, and even though he now had a heart of lead, he could still feel the pain, which made him cry.

How did the Happy Prince help the poor woman and her ill son?

Answer: On Happy Prince’s request the swallow carried red ruby from his sword hilt to the poor seamstress who could not afford oranges for her sick son. On Happy Prince’s behest, the swallow plucked an expensive sapphire from one of his eyes and carried it to the struggling playwright to help him financially.

How did the Happy Prince help the poor and the starving children what lesson do you learn from the story?

Happy prince help the poor and starving children by sending them with his last resources . We learn that we should help poor and needy . The happy prince set an example of this. swallow also set an example of sacrifice and love.

Why the Happy Prince was compassionate towards the poor explain briefly?

In the story the Happy Prince had goodness for all. He had a kind heart and was moved by the widespread poverty and misery of the people. So, he had his great will to help others in adverse circumstances. He gave his eyes, gold and jewels to the poor.

How did the prince help the poor seamstress and the matchgirl?

The Happy Prince helped a seamstress by sending his great ruby through the swallow. Then he requested the swallow to take out a sapphire from his eye and give it to a playwright who was about to faint because of hunger and cold. Another sapphire was sent to the match girl. Now the Happy Prince became blind.

How did the Happy Prince help the poor children in the city?

Q. How did the Happy Prince help the poor children in the city? Ans. As per the orders of the Happy Prince, the gold leaves and the jewels on his body were taken out by the swallow and distributed among the poor. Thus, the Happy Prince was able to help the poor children in the city.

What is the story of the Happy Prince?

The Happy Prince Oscar Wilde Summary. The Happy Prince is a story by Oscar Wilde. It is about the story of a statue, the Happy Prince, covered with gold and many fine jewels. It sits overlooking the city. One day a swallow bird seeks shelter under the statue and discovers the prince not happy, but sad.

How did the Swallow help the Happy Prince?

The Happy Prince requested the swallow to pluck out the sapphire from one of his eyes and take it to the playwright. The swallow took the sapphire to the playwright. Now he could buy food and firewood. Thus the Prince and the swallow helped the young playwright. Both the Happy Prince and the swallow sacrificed their lives for others.

What did the Happy Prince give the seamstress?

The poor seamstress had nothing to give him but river water. The Happy Prince felt pity for them. The prince asked the swallow to pluck out his ruby from the hilt of his sword and give it to the old poor seamstress. The swallow obeyed his order and placed the ruby beside the woman.