How did the Chinook trade?

How did the Chinook trade?

Chinook Trade As they traveled both the river and the coastline, they carried fish and furs between Native people in the interior, and coastal people through British Columbia into Alaska. Their expertise in handling canoes in challenging waters allowed the Chinook to develop this far-flung trading network.

How did the Chinook tribe get their food?

Chinook History Their main food source was salmon, but Chinook men also caught other fish and sea animals. The Chinook woman gathered clams, mussels, shellfish , berries, and roots. The Chinook men hunted elk, deer, buffalo, and sea animals. Chinook people were not nomadic, they stayed in one place most of the time.

Where did the Chinook Indians live and what did they do?

The Chinook are a group of North American Indians from the Northwest Coast who spoke Chinookan. They lived in what is now Washington and Oregon, mainly around the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean. Their society focused on water-type activities, they took ceremonies seriously, they were mainly peaceful,…

When did Lewis and Clark first see the Chinook?

The American explorers Lewis and Clark first made contact with the Chinook in 1805. They were first told about the Chinook by the Nez Perce Indians after they, along with their team, crossed the Rocky Mountains and first came across the Columbia River.

What kind of games did the Chinook Indians play?

A lacrosse-like game called koho was a popular among teenagers as it was among adult men. Like many Native Americans, Chinook mothers traditionally carried their babies in cradleboards on their backs. Here are some pictures of cradleboards .

What kind of clothing did the Chinook Indians wear?

Chinook men didn’t usually wear clothing at all, though some men wore a breech-clout. Women wore short skirts made of cedar bark or grass. In the rain, the Chinooks wore tule rush capes, and in colder weather, they wore fur robes and moccasins on their feet.