Table of Contents
How did Beowulf decide to go to Herot?
Beowulf has heard about the horror inflicted upon Herot in Hrothgar’s kingdom by the monster Grendel. When he hears that every night, more and more of Hrothgar’s men are killed (and eaten) in the mead hall, Beowulf rallies his men, and they travel to Hrothgar’s land.
Why does Beowulf decide to leave geats?
What does Beowulf decide to do? Why? He decides to go help Hrthogar, the king of the Dane’s, get rid of the monster Grendel. He chooses the bravest and best of the Geats, 14 of them, gets a boat and sets sail for the “Danish shore.”
Why did Beowulf decide to go and help Hrothgar explain his reasons?
-Beowulf goes to help Hrothgar because Hrothgar helped Beowulf’s father when Beowulf was a baby. The other warrior was killed by Ecgtheow (Beowulf’s father). The deceased family wanted revenge, so families were killing people; war results.
How does Beowulf define his identity?
Beowulf establishes his identity as a Geat warrior and eventually as a king through a combination of deeds, boasts, and gifts to his followers. The most important task of a great warrior in Beowulf is to establish an identity so grand and legendary that his fame lives on after his death, in memorials and in ballads.
Why did Beowulf decide to go and help Hrothgar’s people?
What heroic actions does Beowulf perform in this part of the poem?
What heroic action does Beowulf perform in this part of the poem? He kills Grendel’s mother.
What is the one favor that Beowulf asks of Hrothgar?
What one request does Beowulf make of Hrothgar? Beowulf asks Hrothgar to allow him and his men alone to drive Grendel from Herot. Beowulf tell Hrothgar that if Grendel defeats him, the Danish king should send the mail of his armor to Higlac, and return the inheritance he had from Hrethel.
Why does Beowulf choose to help Hrothgar when Grendel is not his problem?
-Beowulf goes to help Hrothgar because Hrothgar helped Beowulf’s father when Beowulf was a baby. -After Beowulf was born his father got into a war with another tribe’s warrior. The deceased family wanted revenge, so families were killing people; war results.