Does Japan have a bigger population than Australia?

Does Japan have a bigger population than Australia?

Australia is about 20 times bigger than Japan. Meanwhile, the population of Japan is ~125.5 million people (100.0 million fewer people live in Australia). We have positioned the outline of Japan near the middle of Australia. For more details, see an in-depth quality of life comparison of Australia vs.

What is the difference between Japan and Australia’s population?

For a start, Japan has a much larger population, totalling some 126.4 million (Oct 2018) compared to Australia’s 25.1 million (Sept 2018). Australia is currently in a period of strong population growth, recording a rate of 1.6% for 2017-18.

Is Tokyo more populated than Australia?

The Greater Tokyo area has a population of 38 million—almost 60% more than the population of Australia. Yet Tokyo remains one of the world’s most liveable metropolises.

What is the population of whole Japan?

126,476,461 people
Japan 2020 population is estimated at 126,476,461 people at mid year according to UN data. Japan population is equivalent to 1.62% of the total world population. Japan ranks number 11 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in Japan is 347 per Km2 (899 people per mi2).

Is the population of Japan 7 times greater than Australia?

Australia is 20.6 times bigger than Japan, 14 times bigger than France and 2.4 times bigger than India. At almost 24 million people, the population of Australia is, however, relatively small.

Is the population of Japan is 7 times greater than Australia?

Is Tokyo bigger than Sydney?

The fact that Tokyo’s population is only three times larger than Sydney’s but its office market is nine times larger points to Tokyo’s role as the global leader in commercial real estate.

How big is Victoria vs Japan?

Japan is 1.66 times as big as Victoria (Australia)

How big is Japan compared to Australia’s population?

Australia is about 20 times bigger than Japan. Japan is approximately 377,915 sq km, while Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km, making Australia 1,948% larger than Japan. Meanwhile, the population of Japan is ~125.5 million people (100.0 million fewer people live in Australia).

What is the current population of Japan in km²?

364,555 km² The current population of Japan is 126,055,412 based on projections of the latest United Nations data. The UN estimates the July 1, 2021 population at 126,050,804.

What was the population of Japan in 2009?

In 2009, the population was 128.56 million and is expected to be 126.48 million by the end of 2020. The population is expected to fall below 100 million by 2058. The main cause of Japan’s population decline is the rapidly decreasing number of births, which is currently at the lowest it has been since data started being collected in 1899.

What’s the percentage of elderly people in Japan?

The number of elderly people aged 65 or older accounts for 26.7 percent of the 127.11 million total population, up 3.7 percentage points from five years ago, a summary report of the 2015 national census shows. In 2050, it’s estimated by the government that 40% of Japan’s population will be over 65.