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Does Hollyleaf hate Leafpool?
At the Gathering she reveals the truth about her heritage, screeching her hate for Leafpool, the cat who gave birth to her, and Squirrelflight, who lied to her and her littermates. She is shocked by the blatant disapproval the other cats show for her revelation, believing that she had done the right thing.
Does Hollyleaf forgive Leafpool?
She was born as Hollykit to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw alongside her brothers, Lionkit and Jaykit. As she died, Hollyleaf finally forgave Squirrelflight and Leafpool, ascending to StarClan soon after.
What was Hollyleaf’s power?
Hollyleaf does have a power, it was just unfortunate that she didn’t get a chance to unlock it before she disappeared. Her power was to see and communicate with spirits clearly, which would have helped greatly in the Great Battle.
What did Hollyleaf do to Leafpool at gathering?
Wracked with guilt, Hollyleaf reveals the secret at a Gathering. She then threatens to kill Leafpool with deathberries, but is convinced not to.
What happens to Hollyleaf in StarClan after she dies?
As she died, Hollyleaf finally forgave Squirrelflight and Leafpool, ascending to StarClan soon after. Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!
What happens to Leafpool in Leafpool’s death by warriors?
Memories of Leafpool scanned themselves in and out of his thoughts. Him at his Warrior ceromony, becoming the Medicine Cat Apprentice, his first journy to the Moonpool, getting his full name. Gone. All gone. Because Leafpool was dead. Jayfeather came across Squirrelflight’s scent and pushed himself to run faster.
Who are the brothers and Sisters of Hollyleaf?
She was born as Hollykit to Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw alongside her brothers, Lionkit and Jaykit. Initially, Hollypaw trained as a medicine cat apprentice with Leafpool as her mentor; however, she decided to train as a warrior, with Brackenfur becoming her new mentor.