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Do you pronounce the s in Les?
For example, when saying les copains (friends), the final “s” of les isn’t pronounced since copains begins with a consonant. However, in the case of les amis (another way to say “friends”), to avoid having to make a glottal stop between les and amis, you pronounce the “s” at the end of les.
Why is s silent in French?
The biggest reason for unpronounced letters is that, at one time, the letters were pronounced. Spelling tends to reflect the language as it was spoken when the language was standardized, rather than how it’s pronounced today.
Do you pronounce the last S in suis?
You do pronounce it if you are ennuciating, and it would be pronounced as part of “allé”, as a Z sound. “Je. sui.
Is the S in plus pronounced French?
The general rule of thumb for plus is fairly easy to remember: when it’s used to mean more of something (plus de…), the “s” is pronounced; when it’s used in a negative sense (ne… plus [no more], non plus [neither]), the “s” is not pronounced: Je ne savais plus qui j’étais.
Do French people pronounce s?
Just as in English, the letter ‘S’ is used often in French. While it typically sounds exactly as you’d expect, there is a second pronunciation you’ll need to know. This lesson will guide you through the sounds and even give you a few words to practice with.
Which final consonants are pronounced in French?
Most final consonants in French are silent, not pronounced. However, final c, r, f, and l usually are pronounced. Use the consonants in the English word ‘C a R e F u L’ in order to help you to remember to pronounce final c, r, f, and l.
Do you pronounce the final s in French?
Silent letters and plural In Plural, most French words have an -s added to the end of the word but this last -s is not pronounced.
When to pronounce the S at the end of a word in French?
How to pronounce S in the middle of a word? When the consonant S is between two vowels, the letter S is pronounced Z such as in “valise” and “oiseau”. To break the /z/ sound in French words, the rule is to add a double SS. Of course, there are other cases where the letter S is pronounced as /z/.
Is the S in Vous silent?
For instance, “vous” has a silent “s”, unless it’s something like “Je vous ai vu.” (I’m not sure that I constructed that properly, but you get the point — the s is pronounced in that case.)
Which is the correct pronunciation of the final s?
Final S Pronunciation Rules. Rule # 1 : If the final sound of the word is voiceless, the final -s is pronounced as /s/. Examples: • cat/cats • duck/ducks • walk/walks • jump/jumps • stump/stumps • coat/coats • disk/disks • ship/ships • laugh/laughs • create/creates.
How is the final s pronounced in the third person?
The pronunciation of the final S in plural words and verbs in the third person depend on the final consonant sound before that S. The ending is pronounced /s/ after a voiceless sound, it is pronounced /z/ after a voiced sound and is pronounced /ɪz / or /əz/ after a sibilant sound:
How is the last letter of the word’s pronounced?
If the last letter of the words ends in a voiced consonant (or sound), then the S is pronounced like a Z /z/ (without creating another syllable). This Z sound is similar to the sound a bee makes zzzz.
Is the last consonant of the word’s voiceless?
If the last consonant of the word is voiceless, then the S is pronounced as /s/. Be careful not to create an extra syllable. NOTE: The consonants c, s, sh, ch and x are voiceless though they use the sibilants ending seen above.