Do shark babies stay with the mother?
Once developed the baby shark will hatch inside her mother, who’ll then give birth to the young. In some species the pups aren’t born immediately after hatching. Instead they stay in the uterus where they’ll feed off unfertilised eggs.
What is a Great White Sharks baby called?
The pup (which is what a baby shark is called) will live its life at the top of the ocean’s food chain. But before it grows larger, the pup must avoid predators bigger than it is—including other great white sharks.
What do you call a mother shark?
Montano says a shark can become a mom is by hatching eggs inside the female’s uterus and allowing the pups to mature there before giving birth to them. These are called viviparous sharks; however, the exact process of raising sharks inside a mother’s uterus differs from species to species.
Where do Baby great white sharks come from?
Born on the east and west coasts of North America, the south of Africa and southwest Australia, baby sharks are on their own right from the start. Their mother may see them only as prey.
Why do they call the great white shark a white shark?
Colloquial use favours the name ‘great white shark’, perhaps because ‘great’ stresses the size and prowess of the species. Most scientists prefer ‘white shark’, perhaps because there is no extant ‘lesser white shark’ species. Some use ‘white shark’ to refer to all members of the Lamnidae.
How are great white sharks related to mako sharks?
For a long time, scientists thought the Megalodon was the direct ancestor of great white sharks. But new fossil evidence, announced in November 2012, suggest that it was more closely related to an ancestor of mako sharks—smaller but faster fish-eating sharks.
How is the great white shark related to Megalodons?
The original hypothesis of the great white shark’s origin held that it is a descendant of a lineage of mega-toothed sharks, and is closely related to the prehistoric megalodon. These sharks were considerably large in size, with megalodon attaining an estimated length of up to 14.2–16 m (47–52 ft).