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Do mollusks have all body systems?
The mollusks are bilaterally symmetrical, have an organ system level of body organization, have a complete digestive system, and a coelom (small in size). Additionally these animals have a circulatory system and a respiratory system.
Do mollusks have skin?
The mantle (also known as the pallium) is the dorsal epidermis in mollusks; shelled mollusks are specialized to secrete a chitinous and hard calcareous shell.
What systems do mollusks have?
Most mollusks have an open circulatory system but cephalopods (squids, octopus) have a closed circulatory system. The blood pigment of mollusks is hemocyanin, not hemoglobin. The heart of a clam can be seen in the photograph below. Bivalves have three pairs of ganglia but do not have a brain.
Do mollusks have a circulatory system?
Mollusks possess an open circulatory system in which body fluid (hemolymph) is transported largely within sinuses devoid of distinct epithelial walls. The posteriodorsal heart enclosed in a pericardium typically consists of a ventricle and two posterior auricles.
Do mollusks have an excretory system?
The excretory system of mollusks is made up of tubular organs called nephridia that filter waste from internal body fluids. They have tiny cilia, hair-like extensions, that surround the tube openings and cause fluid to flow from the coelom into the nephridia tubules.
Do mollusks have a complete nervous system?
Molluscs, with the exception of the most highly developed cephalopods, have no brain in the strict sense of the word. Instead, the cell bodies (pericarya) of nerve cells are concentrated in nerve knots (ganglia) in important parts of the body. Mollusc nerve cells have no myelin sheath.
What type of exoskeleton does some mollusks have?
The mollusc (or mollusk) shell is typically a calcareous exoskeleton which encloses, supports and protects the soft parts of an animal in the phylum Mollusca, which includes snails, clams, tusk shells, and several other classes.
What kind of body system does a mollusk have?
All mollusks have three main body parts: a foot, a mantle, and a visceral mass. Their foot controls motion, their mantle acts as a protective barrier around their internal body parts, and the visceral mass contains important body systems like the stomach and nervous system.
Which is the last feature of a Mollusca?
Mollusca. The last major feature that each animal has is the mantle, which a hole that allows the molluscs to breathe. The animals in this phylum do not have skeletal systems, or a system of bones within the body. The closest thing that some organisms have is a shell, which is slightly classified as an exoskeleton.
How many types of mollusks are there in the world?
Mollusks are invertebrates whose integumentary system is soft like annelids. There are some which carry a protective shell, while others do not. Mollusks are the second largest group of invertebrate animals after arthropods. There are roughly 100,00 species of mollusks, of which 60,000 are gastropods.
Which is an example of a Mollusca phylum?
Mollusca Animals and organisms in the phylum, Mollusca, are also known molluscs. This phylum contains mostly marine organisms. Snails are apart of the Mollusca phylum, but it doesn’t have a definite skeletal structure. There is not a single bone within the body of a snail. An animal that is apart of the Molluscs phylum is the Blue-Ringed Octopus.