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Do histograms use Axis?
A rule of thumb is to use a histogram when the data set consists of 100 values or more. A histogram consists of contiguous (adjoining) boxes. It has both a horizontal axis and a vertical axis. The horizontal axis is labeled with what the data represents (for instance, distance from your home to school).
What type of data is used in a pie chart?
Categorical or nominal data: appropriate for pie charts Pie charts make sense to show a parts-to-whole relationship for categorical or nominal data. The slices in the pie typically represent percentages of the total. With categorical data, the sample is often divided into groups and the responses have a defined order.
What is pie or circle graph?
A pie chart, sometimes called a circle chart, is a way of summarizing a set of nominal data or displaying the different values of a given variable (e.g. percentage distribution). This type of chart is a circle divided into a series of segments. Pie chart usually shows the component parts of a whole.
What is a polygon graph?
A frequency polygon is a graph constructed by using lines to join the midpoints of each interval, or bin. The heights of the points represent the frequencies. A frequency polygon can be created from the histogram or by calculating the midpoints of the bins from the frequency distribution table.
Which is not the type of graph?
Explanation: According to the graph theory a graph is the collection of dots and lines. A bar graph is not a type of graph in computer science.
How are x values used in dose response experiments?
X values are concentrations (doses) of a drug used in the experiment. In pharmacology, four different classes of drugs used in dose-response experiments include: Agonist – Causes a stimulatory (response increases as drug concentration increases) or inhibitory (response decreases as drug concentration increases) response.
Which is an example of a test statistic?
T-values are an example of what statisticians call test statistics. A test statistic is a standardized value that is calculated from sample data during a hypothesis test. The procedure that calculates the test statistic compares your data to what is expected under the null hypothesis.
How to predict with an estimated regression equation?
Predicting with a Regression Equation. One important value of an estimated regression equation is its ability to predict the effects on Y of a change in one or more values of the independent variables. The value of this is obvious. Careful policy cannot be made without estimates of the effects that may result.
How are T values used in a t test?
Each type of t-test uses a specific procedure to boil all of your sample data down to one value, the t-value. The calculations behind t-values compare your sample mean (s) to the null hypothesis and incorporates both the sample size and the variability in the data.