Can you become the president in Sims?

Can you become the president in Sims?

City Living lets you play politics, Sims-style. You can elect to go all-in as a Politician and become President (National Leader), or switch to the Charity Organizer career track and pursue a number of causes. This career starts with 4 levels, after which you pick one of the two branches.

How do you become a politician in Sims 3?

To have your Sim apply for a job in politics, have them head to city hall. This job has a nice pay rate at the upper levels, and gives a couple of social abilities in the form of pep talk and inspire teens.

What skills are needed for political career Sims 3?

You’ll need lots of charisma to advance in politics. A special-interest group to influence local politicians hires you. Heavy social skills and lots of friends are needed to advance in this career—you must win friends and influence people. Charisma skill is essential to progress in a political career.

How do you fund a campaign on Sims 3?

You have to obtain funds for the campaign. After work call your friends and ask for grant for the campaign [275]. At the beginning you only need one or two grants to get a positive review. After moving to higher level, you will need much more [276].

Can Sims get fired Sims 3?

Yes your sims can get fired.

How do I make my Sim work hard in school?

To make your sim child do ‘extra homework’, you first have to finish working on the regular homework. When you’re done, click on the homework again and the option should be available. To make them ‘work hard’, when they are at school, click the upper right icon on their portrait.

How to get a job in politics in Sims 3?

To have your Sim apply for a job in politics, have them head to city hall. This job has a nice pay rate at the upper levels, and gives a couple of social abilities in the form of pep talk and inspire teens. Political Sims will end up with a lot of friends due the to the high charisma and campaign fundraiser requirements.

How to get a job in the Sims 3?

To get a job in the business career track, have your Sim apply at the office building in town. Interestingly, this career track requires no skills, only friends (co-workers and boss). Eventually they’ll have to hold meetings in their spare time to begin to excel.

What can you do with business in Sims 3?

Business is one of the basic career tracks in The Sims 3. It’s the only career track that doesn’t require any skills for promotion. Sims can be employed from newspaper, computer, or office building.

How much do you make for holding a meeting in Sims 3?

They’ll make $500 per hour ($750) for holding a 1 1/2 hour meeting. You’ll notice that the business career track is a bit unique. It features no skill-based performance metrics.