Are there still people in Fukushima?

Are there still people in Fukushima?

Nearly 165,000 residents were evacuated at its peak in 2012. Decontamination efforts have meant most areas have been reopened and people allowed to return to their homes. But there are still nearly 37,000 people listed as Fukushima evacuees and many of them say they have no intention of going back.

Are there people working in or near the Fukushima nuclear power plant?

Decommissioning of the Fukushima plant is still underway nearly 10 years after the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated the Tohoku region triggered a triple meltdown at the Fukushima plant. To this day, about 4,000 people still work on site every day, with many at risk of radiation exposure.

Is Fukushima still closed?

TOMIOKA, Japan (AP) — Part of the town of Tomioka, about 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, is still a no-go zone 10 years after a meltdown sent radioactive fallout over the area. It remains closed after the rest of the town in northeastern Japan was reopened in 2017.

Is Fukushima open to public?

The no-entry zone around the nuclear plant makes up less than 3% of the prefecture’s area, and even inside most of the no-entry zone, radiation levels have declined far below the levels that airplane passengers are exposed to at cruising altitude. Needless to say, Fukushima is perfectly safe for tourists to visit.

Where is the nuclear power plant in Japan?

Where is the plant? The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is in the town of Okuma, in Fukushima Prefecture. It sits on the country’s east coast, about 220km (137 miles) north-east of the capital Tokyo.

Is it safe to use nuclear power in Japan?

The World Nuclear Association says nuclear power is a safe means of generating electricity, and the risk of accidents at plants is low and declining. Local authorities still need to agree to the restart of the Onagawa reactor before it can go ahead, but it seems nuclear will continue to be a part of Japan’s energy mix for some time to come.

How did the nuclear power plant melt down in Japan?

Eleven reactors at four nuclear plants in the region shut down automatically at the time the magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit, but three reactors at the Daiichi plant melted down after the 15-metre tsunami disabled their power supply and cooling capabilities.

When did the last nuclear power plant in Japan go offline?

All of Japan’s nuclear plants were closed, or their operations suspended for safety inspections. The last of Japan’s fifty-four reactors ( Tomari-3) went offline for maintenance on 5 May 2012, leaving Japan completely without nuclear-produced electrical power for the first time since 1970.