Are Hugo and Lily the same age?

Are Hugo and Lily the same age?

Hugo Weasley is son of Hermione and Ron Weasley and younger brother of Rose Weasley. He is a Half-blood due to having a Muggle-born mother and a Pure-Blood father. He is the same age as his cousin, Lily Luna Potter, and gets on well with her.

How old is Hugo Weasley?

Hugo Ron Weasley (born 14 November 2008) was a half-blood wizard and the child of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger….

Hugo Weasley
Biographical information
House Gryffindor
Loyalty Gryffindor The Weasley Family The Granger Family The Prewett Family The Potter Family *the chess club*

Is Molly Weasley the same age as Lily Potter?

Between both couples there is a difference of about ten years. Molly was born on 30 October, 1949 or 1950, Arthur on 6 February, 1950, and finally James and Lily were born on the same year, 1960, but on different dates, Lily on 30 January and James on almost two months later, on 27 March.

What year was Victoire Weasley born?

May 2, 2000
Victoire Weasley/Date of birth

Is Rose or Hugo older?

Biography. Hugo with his parents Hugo Granger-Weasley was born around 2008 to a pure-blood father and a Muggle-born mother, making him half-blood. He is about two years younger than his sister Rose, and around the same age as his cousin Lily Potter, daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter, and the two seem to be quite close …

How old is Hugo Weasley in Harry Potter?

Hugo Weasley (b. circa 2006-2009) The younger of Ron and Hermione’s two children, Hugo seems to be good friends with Lily Potter (DH/e).

Who are the parents of Rose and Hugo Weasley?

Hugo can be protective at times to his older sister Rose and cousin Lily. Hugo is generally more laid back and is an average student in school. Ron and Hermione Weasley are the parents to Hugo and his sister Rose. Hermione is the more disciplinary parent between the two of them.

How old is Hugo Granger in Harry Potter?

Hugo Granger-Weasley was born around 2008 to a pure-blood father and a Muggle-born mother, making him half-blood. He is about two years younger than his sister Rose, and around the same age as his cousin Lily Potter, daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter, and the two seem to be quite close.

Who is older rose or Hugo in Harry Potter?

Rose is the older of Ron and Hermione’s two children, and their only daughter. On 1 September 2017, Rose was preparing to take the Hogwarts Express to her first year at school, and was rather nervous about whether she’d be sorted into Gryffindor (DH/e). Hugo Weasley (b. circa 2006-2009)