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Will killer whales eat anything?
Killer whales feed on many different types of prey, including fish, seals, sea birds and squid. They can also take down whales larger than themselves, such as minke whales, and they are the only animal known to predate on great white sharks, according to The Natural History Museum in London.
What is an orcas favorite food?
Killer whales (also called orcas) are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of their food chain. They feed on fish and squid like other odontocetes (toothed whales) do, but will also target seals, sea birds and even whale species far bigger than themselves.
What do baby orcas eat?
Newborn baby orcas depend exclusively on their mothers for milk for one to two years and then for food until they learn how to hunt. Because of this intense parenting, orca moms usually only calf every five years.
What does a killer whale eat and how does it eat?
The primary diet of most killer whales consists of a variety of fish such as herring, cod, hake and several other small aquatic species. In some cases they may also eat squid and octopus. Killer whales that live near land have also been known to attack and eat other marine mammals.
Is a killer whale a carnivore?
Killer whales are carnivore marine mammals, so their diet is full of meat gotten by hunting several species in their habitat.
Do killer whales eat crustaceans?
Most toothed whales will consume a diet consisting of fish, squid, octopus and various crustaceans, although the killer whale (actually a dolphin) is known to hunt and consume various marine mammals, seabirds and even whales.
What is a killer whale’s diet?
Physical Characteristics and Appearance. As stated earlier,the killer whale is the largest animal within the dolphin family.