Why do Danforth and Parris think it is important for Proctor to confess?

Why do Danforth and Parris think it is important for Proctor to confess?

Why is it important to Danforth and Parris that Proctor confess? His confession will convince people the court has been just. That they have run away and stolen all of Parris’s money.

Who does Danforth believe will be able to persuade John to confess?

Danforth hopes that Elizabeth can persuade him to confess. Elizabeth agrees to speak with Proctor, but she makes no promises. Everyone leaves the room to allow Elizabeth and Proctor privacy. Elizabeth tells Proctor that almost one hundred people have confessed to witchcraft.

Why does Danforth and Hathorne want John to confess?

Terms in this set (10) Why do Danforth, Hathorne and Parris want Proctor to confess? They want to be finished with witchcraft in Salem. They know that Proctor is a well known and well respected man in Salem, so they are afraid that the townspeople might rebel if they hang Proctor without a confession.

Why does John Proctor agree to confess in the first place?

John confessed in order to save his life. His wife was expecting, and he thought it best to lie in order to be around for his family. After his confession, he is urged to sign.

Why does Judge Danforth want to arrange a meeting between John and Elizabeth Proctor?

Danforth requests this meeting between John and Elizabeth for selfish reasons. Danforth realizes that John has influence over many of the townspeople. He hopes that two things will happen when John sees his wife: that John will be so overwhelmed by seeing his wife for the first time since learning…

How does Danforth treat Parris Why?

In Act 4, when Parris tells Danforth that Abigail has absconded with his money, Danforth is furious and blames Parris. Parris’s foolishness could bring about Danforth’s downfall; so Danforth deals harshly with him and wants no more association with him.

Why does Danforth insist on a written confession How does Proctor seem to react?

In Act IV, why does Danforth insist Proctor’s confession must be a written confession? So that they can post it upon the church door for all to read. She feels shame for Proctor, and hopes God will send him mercy.

What does Danforth want from John Why does he refuse?

Danforth wants John to sign a written confession that will be hung on the courthouse door. John refuses to do this because his names is everything to John. His name is important to the townspeople.

What does Danforth want from John Why does John refuse?

What does John Proctor finally admit to Danforth?

Proctor confesses orally to witchcraft, but refuses to implicate anyone else. Danforth informs him that the court needs proof of his confession in the form of a signed, written testimony. Proctor confesses verbally to witchcraft, and Rebecca Nurse hears the confession.

How does Danforth test John’s confession?

To test the truth of Proctor’s confession and his claims against Abigail, Danforth tells both Abigail and Proctor to turn around. He calls in Elizabeth and asks her whether or not the confession is true. Elizabeth attempts to defend her husband by denying the truth of the confession.

What does John Proctor do with his signed confession?

The end of the Crucible is very suspenseful when the protagonist, John Proctor, is faced with choosing between confessing to a lie or dying for the truth. At first, Proctor is hesitant and signs the papers, confessing himself to evil, but before the signed paper is collected by the court, he tears it apart and is sentenced to death.

What deal does Danforth try to make with John Proctor?

Danforth realizes by this point that the charges of witchcraft are most likely false, and his whole credibility and that of the Church are on the line here, seeing as how people have already been hung. So he approaches Proctor with a deal: sign a confession and he won’t hang.

What does Danforth want John to do after he confesses?

After John confesses to witchcraft, Danforth wants him to sign his name on a written statement. John refuses to have his name taken from him in the line, “I am John Proctor!

What does Proctor do after signing his confession?

Proctor does sign the written confession, but he tears it up after he signs it. He tells the judges that they have witnessed him signing it and that is enough, but they want to post the signed document on the door of the church for all to see. Proctor says, they have his signature, but he wants them to leave him his name.