Why did the woman kill herself in Fahrenheit 451?

Why did the woman kill herself in Fahrenheit 451?

The old lady decided to commit suicide because she was sending a message that books are too valuable to live without. In Fahrenheit 451, people have decided that books are dangerous and we should live without them. They have purged their society of all books.

Is suicide common in Fahrenheit 451?

Suicides occur at an alarming rate in the book Fahrenheit 451; however, the people who commit suicide tend to vary in their personal traits. There are two basic types of people called into view in the book: they are the martyr and the apathetic.

How did the old lady commit suicide in Fahrenheit 451?

The woman, obviously, did not believe in the government’s stance on book burning. She had made her decision at that time. She had in her hand a match. She died by her own hand and chose to burn with her books.

Is Clarisse happy in Fahrenheit 451?

Clarisse does not give an explicit definition of happiness in Fahrenheit 451. She does, however, disclose to Montag some of the things that she likes to do, which the reader can infer make her happy. It would seem that happiness, to her, is observing—both nature and people—thinking, and celebrating life.

Did Mildred know she was unhappy?

Mildred insisting that she is happy illustrates her ignorance and denial. She is clearly unhappy with her superficial, meaningless life, despite her response. Given the fact that she attempted to kill herself by taking thirty sleeping pills the previous night, one can surmise that Mildred is not happy at all.

Who saved Mildred?

After Montag recognizes that his wife has overdosed, he calls emergency services to revive Mildred and save her life. Two callous medical technicians arrive with a snake-like device to pump Mildred’s stomach and replace her blood.

How was Mildred killed in Fahrenheit 451?

Montag returns home to find that his wife Mildred has overdosed on sleeping pills, and he calls for medical attention. Two uncaring EMTs pump Mildred’s stomach, drain her poisoned blood, and fill her with new blood.