Why did Ephraim get the blessing?

Why did Ephraim get the blessing?

These rabbinical sources allege that it was on account of modesty and selflessness, and a prophetic vision of Joshua, that Jacob gave Ephraim precedence over Manasseh, the elder of the two; in these sources, Jacob is regarded as sufficiently just that God upholds the blessing in his honour, and makes Ephraim the …

Why did Ephraim receive the birthright?

Ephraim’s birthright included the authority to preside over all those who have the priesthood. For this reason, Jacob received the birthright rather than his elder brother Esau, who gave it up for a meal of pottage; Joseph received the birthright from Jacob because his oldest brother Reuben committed a serious sin.

What is the significance of the tribe of Ephraim?

In 930 bc the tribe of Ephraim led the 10 northern tribes in a successful revolt against the south and established the Kingdom of Israel, with Jeroboam I, an Ephraimite, as king. The seventh king of Israel, Ahab (reigned c. 874–c. 853 bc), was also an Ephraimite.

Who blessed Ephraim?

Manasseh is counted as the father of the Israelite Tribe of Manasseh, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob also blessed Ephraim over his older brother (Genesis 48:20).

What are the blessings of the tribe of Ephraim?

These blessings include access to the Book of Mormon, which stands as another testament of Jesus Christ. It also stands as a sign that God will keep His covenants with the remnants of the house of Israel (see 3 Ne. 16:11–12; 3 Ne. 29:3; Morm.

What is the meaning of Ephraim?

Mainly Jewish: from the Biblical name, which is probably from a Hebrew word meaning ‘fruitful’. In Genesis 41:52, Ephraim is one of the sons of Joseph and the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Did Joseph get the birthright?

As far as the Bible indicates, Joseph had only one wife, Asenath, and they had only two sons: Manasseh, the firstborn, and Ephraim (see Gen. Thus Ephraim received the birthright of Joseph, and Joseph received the birthright of Jacob (Israel).

Is Ephraim first born?

Thus Ephraim received the birthright of Joseph, and Joseph received the birthright of Jacob (Israel). In a sense, then, Ephraim is the birthright son of Israel, as confirmed by the Lord through his prophet Jeremiah: “I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn” (Jer.

Why is lineage important in patriarchal blessing?

The answer is important, for the literal seed of Abraham are the natural heirs to the remarkable promises given anciently to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. … They are legal heirs of the covenant, and the lineage proclaimed in their patriarchal blessings identifies the bloodline that ties them back to Abraham.

What is the biblical meaning of Ephraim?

Why was Ephraim given the birthright blessing in the Bible?

According to the Bible, when Joseph brought his two sons to his father, Jacob, for a blessing, Ephraim received the birthright blessing in place of Manasseh ( Gen. 48:13-20 ), one of the departures noted in the Bible from the custom of bestowing on the firstborn son the special privileges that belonged to him by right of primogeniture.

Who was Ephraim in the Book of Mormon?

Ephraim was the son of Joseph and Asenath and the younger brother of Manasseh (Gen. 41:50-52). According to the Bible, when Joseph brought his two sons to his father, Jacob, for a blessing, Ephraim received the birthright blessing in place of Manasseh (Gen.

Why did Jacob bless Joseph’s son Ephraim first?

Joseph thinks his father’s eyesight has led to a mistake, but Jacob explains that blessing Ephraim as the firstborn is indeed his intent. This follows a familiar theme where blessings are not necessarily given based on birthright but on the rightful recipient according to God’s plan.

How are the blessings passed from Joseph to his sons?

The birthright blessings, which included primarily physical blessings of national greatness, were being divided between Joseph’s two sons. The blessings would then be fulfilled through the descendants of these two boys. Essentially, the singular birthright blessing was being divided between two brothers.