Why are there less stomata on the top of a leaf?

Why are there less stomata on the top of a leaf?

Explanation: Transpiration is the process of water evaporating at the surface of the leaf. Water exists the leaf through the stomata. In conclusion, a plant would want to have less stomata on the upper surface of a leaf to reduce the rate of transpiration.

Why are there openings on the underside of leaves?

Explanation: The stomata is the only way gasses can diffuse in and out of a leaf. They have the ability to open and close according to the need of the plant. The stomata allow for the plant to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen back into the environment.

Why do the top and bottom of leaves look different?

The upper part of a leaf is darker, owing to the high concentrations of chloroplasts present, as compared to the lighter bottom part.

What factors affect the number of stomata on a leaf?

Stomatal size and density are known to change in response to a variety of environmental factors, including temperature (Limin et al. 2007), water availability (Pääkkönen et al. 1998), light (Eensalu et al. 2008), soil nutrients (Frey et al.

Why do some plants have less stomata?

Levels of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere change over time — so at times when the atmosphere is carbon-dioxide-rich, plants can get away with having fewer stomata since each individual stoma will be able to bring in more carbon dioxide.

Why is the upper part of the leaf greener than lower part?

The upper surface of leaf is greener than its lower surface because of the presence of mesophyll cells which contains chlorophyll. Due to more amount of chlorophyll on the upper surface more light energy is trapped hence more amount light of green wavelength is reflected.

What is the underside of the leaf called?

stomate, also called stoma, plural stomata or stomas, any of the microscopic openings or pores in the epidermis of leaves and young stems. Stomata are generally more numerous on the underside of leaves.

Which is the tiny openings on the underside of the leaf that help the plant take in carbon dioxide?

Stomata (noun, “STO-mah-tah”, singular “stoma”) These are the small pores in plant stems or leaves that allow carbon dioxide in and oxygen and water vapor out. Each tiny hole is surrounded by a pair of cells called guard cells. These cells control whether a stoma is open or closed.

What affects the opening and closing of stomata?

The four factors affecting opening and closing of stomata are: (1) Light (2) Water Content of Epidermal Cells (3) Temperature and (4) Mineral Elements. Even during the day, guard cells may close stomata if a plant is losing water too quickly.

What conditions cause the stomata to open and close?

Three different environmental factors affect the opening and closing of a plant stoma: light, water and carbon dioxide concentrations. Plant stomata close in darkness and when conditions are very dry.

What happens when there are fewer stomata on a leaf?

Transpiration is the process of water evaporating at the surface of the leaf. Water exists the leaf through the stomata. By having less stomata, a plant loses less water, and is not likely to become wilted, which is dangerous for the plant.

Why are some plants emerge with smaller leaves when grown?

My ‘smaller leaf’ is absolute smaller leaf area, not specific leaf area. Usually, plants grown in shade have a larger SLA. Sun leaves are small, with less surface area, which reduces the amount of exposure to the sun and wind. A shade leaf is large, with greater surface area, which increases the amount of area exposed to the sun.

Which is greater leaf area or dry mass?

What was interesting in my work was that the Leaf Area Ratio (leaf area to total plant dry mass) was not greater in the shaded populations as they channelled a lot of effort into stem growth (much taller than the unshaded) and reproduction. However, SLA (leaf area/leaf dry mass) was consistently higher.

How can you tell the difference in leaves?

Leaf area, internode length and wilting time are all fairly easy to measure. Leaf thickness can be measured using microcalipers. Broad differences in leaf colour can be recorded using specially devised colour charts. If facilities are available chromatography may reveal differences in pigmentation.