Why are Olaudah Equiano writings important?

Why are Olaudah Equiano writings important?

It is one of the earliest books published by a black African writer and helped influence British parliament to abolish the trade through the Slave Trade Act of 1807. Equiano used his experiences of slavery to campaign and persuade others to abolish the inhumane trade in African people.

Why should Olaudah Equiano be remembered?

An enslaved man who bought his freedom and wrote compellingly about his experiences, Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745–1797) was an extraordinary man who became a prominent figure associated with the campaign to abolish the slave trade. Equiano travelled widely to promote the book, and became wealthy from its royalties.

What does Olaudah Equiano say about freedom?

When I went in I made my obeisance to my master, and with my money in my hand, and many fears in my heart, I prayed him to be as good his offer to me, when he was pleased to promise me my freedom as soon as I could purchase it.

Who wrote The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano?

Olaudah Equiano
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African Illustrated/Authors

What did Olaudah Equiano’s autobiography or personal story explain?

He published his autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano (1789), which depicted the horrors of slavery. It went through nine editions in his lifetime and helped gain passage of the British Slave Trade Act 1807, which abolished the slave trade.

What was Olaudah Equiano famous for?

Olaudah Equiano was a seaman, writer, an ex-slave, and a merchant. During his lifetime, he was mostly known as Gustavus Vassa. He wrote an autobiography narrating the horrifying tales of slavery and championed for its abolition in parliament .

What did Olaudah Equiano write?

Olaudah Equiano, was a former enslaved African, seaman and merchant who wrote an autobiography depicting the horrors of slavery and lobbied Parliament for its abolition.

What has the author Olaudah Equiano written?

The first autobiography written by a former slave, Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano is also one of the most widely-read and well-regarded of the slave narrative genre. It was published in 1789, at a time…