Who named the lunar features?

Who named the lunar features?

Hevelius ignored van Langrens nomenclature and named the lunar features after similar features on the earth using classical Greek and Latin names. Riccioli and Grimaldi introduced a systematic nomenclature first dividing the moon into eight zones.

Who was the first scientist to discover the Moon?

astronomer Galileo Galilei
On this night in 1609, astronomer Galileo Galilei trained his telescope on the Moon for the first time.

What are the listed features of the moon?

List of lunar features

  • Maria features. 1.1 Maria and Oceanus. 1.2 Lacus. 1.3 Sinus and Paludes.
  • Craters. 2.1 Catenae.
  • Valleys.
  • Mountains.
  • Mountain ranges.
  • Other features. 6.1 Albedo. 6.2 Dorsa. 6.3 Promontoria. 6.4 Rimae. 6.5 Rupes. 6.6 Terrae.
  • See also.
  • References.

Who was the first scientist to propose the formation of the Moon?

American astronomer William K. Hartmann (born 1939) put forth the most widely accepted theory on the formation of the moon in 1975. He proposed that, after a collision with a large body scooped, debris from the Earth coalesced into the moon.

Who are the most famous scientists in astronomy?

Famous Astronomers | List of Great Scientists in Astronomy. Persian astronomer Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (903–986), known as Azophi to Westerners, made the first known observation of a group of stars outside of the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy.

What was the only crater on the Moon named after?

The Apollo basin (a 540 km diameter crater on the southwestern far side) was named to honor the Apollo missions – the only crater on the Moon so designated.

Who was the first scientist to calculate the motion of the planets?

Using detailed measurements of the path of planets kept by Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) determined that planets traveled around the sun not in circles but in ellipses. In so doing, he calculated three laws involving the motions of planets that astronomers still use in calculations today.