Who killed Polyneices?

Who killed Polyneices?

Although he supposedly is the next in line to receive power to the throne, Eteocles takes over and banishes Polyneices from Thebes. Polyneices then gathers and army and attacks his brother. He ends up killing his brother, and being killed by his brother in battle.

Why did Polynices kill Eteocles?

Eteocles was buried honorably, but the traitor Polynices was not, leading to their sister Antigone’s own tragedy. Gill, N.S. “Eteocles and Polynices: Cursed Brothers and Sons of Oedipus.” ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, thoughtco.com/eteocles-and-polynices-4147703. Gill, N.S. (2020, August 27).

What happened to Polyneices?

Antigone’s uncle, Creon, declares that Eteocles will be buried with honor, but that Polyneices’ body will be left for the dogs. Despite her uncle’s decree, Antigone buries Polyneices and is sentenced by Creon to be buried alive.

Who does the guard catch burying the desecrated body?

The royal guards catch Antigone performing a burial ritual during the middle of the day. They arrest her and bring her to Creon. 7. When questioned by Creon, Antigone does not deny that she performed the burial.

Is Polyneices a traitor?

After performing an elaborate funeral service for Eteocles, he forbade the removal of the corpse of Polyneices, condemning it to lie unburied, declaring him to have been a traitor.

Was Antigone beautiful?

Her beauty exerts a chilling fascination. As Ismene notes, Antigone is not beautiful like the rest, but beautiful in a way that stops children in the street, beautiful in a way that unsettles, frightens, and awes.

Who did Polyneices betray?

However, Eteocles refused to give up the rule to his brother when it was Polynices’s turn. Polynices therefore decided to raise an army and, with six foreign princes, march on Thebes. He was defeated, he and Eteocles managed to kill each other, and Creon decided Polynices was a traitor.

Who was King of Thebes when Polyneices was killed?

…city and his crown, and Polyneices, who was attacking Thebes. Both brothers, however, were killed, and their uncle Creon became king. After performing an elaborate funeral service for Eteocles, he forbade the removal of the corpse of Polyneices, condemning it to lie unburied, declaring him to have been a traitor.…

Why was Polynices not buried after his death?

In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone, Polynices’ story continues after his death. King Creon, who ascended to the throne of Thebes, decreed that Polynices was not to be buried or even mourned, on pain of death by stoning. Antigone, his sister, defied the order, but was caught.

What did King Creon do to Polynices after his death?

In Sophocles ‘ tragedy Antigone, Polynices’ story continues after his death. King Creon, who ascended to the throne of Thebes, decreed that Polynices was not to be buried or even mourned, on pain of death by stoning. Antigone, his sister, defied the order, but was caught. Creon decreed death, this in spite of her betrothal to his son Haemon.

Who was King of Antigone when Polyneices was killed?

In Antigone …city and his crown, and Polyneices, who was attacking Thebes. Both brothers, however, were killed, and their uncle Creon became king. After performing an elaborate funeral service for Eteocles, he forbade the removal of the corpse of Polyneices, condemning it to lie unburied, declaring him to have been a traitor.….