Who breached the mohne dam?

Who breached the mohne dam?

RAF Lancaster Bombers
The dam (51.489307°N 8.058772°E) was breached by RAF Lancaster Bombers (“The Dambusters”) during Operation Chastise on the night of 16–17 May 1943, together with the Edersee dam in northern Hesse. Bouncing bombs had been constructed which were able to skip over the protective nets that hung in the water.

Was the Eder dam breached?

The dam was breached in World War II by bouncing bombs dropped by British Lancaster bombers of No. 617 Squadron RAF as part of Operation Chastise. The 1955 film, The Dam Busters chronicled the British attack on the dam.

Which dams did the Dambusters breach?

The Möhne and Edersee dams were breached, causing catastrophic flooding of the Ruhr valley and of villages in the Eder valley; the Sorpe Dam sustained only minor damage.

Was the mohne dam destroyed?

He points out that every bridge for 30 miles below the breached Mohne dam was destroyed, and buildings were damaged 40 miles away. Twelve war production factories were destroyed, and around 100 more were damaged. Germans instantly referred to it after the raid as the “Mohne catastrophe”.

What plane dropped the bouncing bomb?

Famous military operations using bouncing bombs The Dambusters Raid took place on 16th May 1943. The cylindrical bombs, which spun at 500 rpm, were dropped by Guy Gibson and the Avro Lancasters of No. 617 Squadron RAF in Operation Chastise.

Is Dam Busters a true story?

The Dam Busters is a 1955 British epic war film starring Richard Todd and Michael Redgrave. The film recreates the true story of Operation Chastise when in 1943 the RAF’s 617 Squadron attacked the Möhne, Eder, and Sorpe dams in Nazi Germany with Barnes Wallis’s bouncing bomb.

When was the attack on the Mohne Dam?

On the 16th and 17th of May, 1943, the Lancaster bombers of 617 squadron, with each of the 19 aircraft carrying a purpose-built “ bouncing bomb ” developed by Barnes Wallis, attacked the Möhne and Eder Dams.

How did the Mohne Dam affect the Ruhr Valley?

Both were breached, the Mohne more seriously than the other two, and it caused catastrophic flooding of the Ruhr valley and of villages in the Eder valley; the Sorpe Dam sustained only minor damage. Overall two hydroelectric power stations were destroyed and several more damaged.

Where was the dam breached in World War 2?

) was breached by RAF Lancaster Bombers ( “The Dambusters”) during Operation Chastise on the night of 16–17 May 1943, together with the Edersee dam in northern Hesse. Bouncing bombs had been constructed which were able to skip over the protective nets that hung in the water.

Why was the Moehne Dam important in World War 2?

In World War Two (WW2) the British Royal Air Force (RAF) knew that if the Moehne, and two other Dams – the Eder and Sorpe – were destroyed, the subsequent release of millions of tons of water would cause substantial damage to the land, buildings and infrastructure below it, as well as hurting the German WW2 economy overall.
