Who among the following does not have an element named after him?

Who among the following does not have an element named after him?

Except six elements from the periodic table all the other elements are not named after scientists. Bohrium, Curium, Einsteinium, Mendelevium. Fermium and Lawrencium are those six elements that were named after scientists. Bohrium was named after a Danish Physicist Niels Bohr.

How many scientists have a periodic element named after them?

When the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry named element 118 in honour of nuclear physicist Yuri Oganessian, it was continuing a long but fractious tradition. Only 17 people have been honoured this way, often after years of wrangling.

Which astronaut has a chemical element named in his honor?

Oganesson (Og, 118) – Yuri Oganessian, who has the distinction of being alive when an element was named in his honor.

Which of these scientist does not have a chemical element on the periodic table named after him?

The question was – Which of these scientists does not have a chemical element on the periodic table named after him? The options were – Albert Einstein, Alfred Nobel, Thomas Edison, Enrico Fermi. Sangeeta had no lifelines left so she decided to quit the show.

Which element of the periodic table is not named after a scientist?

Other transuranic elements are named after scientists who did not receive the prize: Copernicium (Nicolaus Copernicus) Meitnerium (Lise Meitner)

Which planet does not have an element named after it?

* – The element mercury was named directly for the deity, with only indirect naming connection to the planet (see etymology of mercury)….Astronomical objects.

Location Pluto (dwarf planet)
Element Plutonium
Symbol Pu
Z 94

Which of these scientists has an element named for them?


Element Individual(s)
Z Name Name
99 Einsteinium Albert Einstein
100 Fermium Enrico Fermi
101 Mendelevium Dmitri Mendeleev

What are the elements named after famous scientists?

Many elements were named after famous scientists. Some of the best-known elements include einsteinium (Albert Einstein), curium (Marie and Pierre Curie), rutherfordium (Ernest Rutherford), nobelium (Alfred Nobel), and mendelevium (Dmitri Mendeleev).

What kind of element is named after Marie Curie?

The element curium is named after both Pierre and Marie Curie. The Curies discovered the elements polonium and radium; Marie was awarded the Nobel Prize for these discoveries in 1903.

Who was the element curium named after?

A: The element curium is named after both Pierre and Marie Curie. The Curies discovered the elements polonium and radium; Marie was awarded the Nobel Prize for these discoveries in 1903. Curium was named in honor of their contributions to the field of radioactivity.

Which is the first element named after a person?

1 Samarium (Sm, 62): The first element named in honor of a person, Samarium is named for its ore, samarskite, which in turn is named for V.E. 2 Bohrium (Bh, 107): Niels Bohr 3 Curium (Cm, 96): Pierre and Marie Curie 4 Einsteinium (Es, 99): Albert Einstein 5 Fermium (Fm, 100): Enrico Fermi