Which type of wind is chinook?

Which type of wind is chinook?

What are Chinooks? Chinook winds – also known as Foehn winds in other parts of the world – are a type of warm, dry wind that occur on the downward slope of a mountain when warm air has lost its moisture. In Canada, the winds originate from the Pacific Coast.

Why is it called a chinook?

The Chinook is named after the Chinook Indians who lived along the Columbia River, and who were the first people to tell stories of “The Great South Wind”, or, in their language, the “Snow Eater”.

What do Chinook winds do?

Chinook winds are downsloping, warm, and dry winds that occur on the leeward, or sheltered, side of mountain ranges, such as the Rocky Mountains. Chinook winds are fairly common during the winter months and often bring extreme increases in temperatures to the region as they move from west to east across the mountains.

What is chinook short answer?

A chinook is a warm westerly wind that sometimes flows over Canada’s Rocky Mountains in the winter. A chinook is caused when air flowing off the Pacific Ocean is raised by the mountains and heated as the water vapor in the air condenses.

What is Chinook weather?

Chinook, warm, dry, gusty, westerly WIND that blows down the Rocky Mountains into the mountains’ eastern slopes and the western prairies. The wind occurs in every season, but it is more distinctive and numerous in the winter, when the unseasonable warming it brings differentiates it from the normal cold winter weather.

How do Chinook Winds form?

Chinook winds develop when warm, moist air blows from the Pacific Ocean in the northwest region of North America toward the Rocky Mountain range, according to Rocky Mountain National Park. When the winds suddenly change direction toward the west or southwest, the Chinook winds begin with rapidly increasing speeds.

Is chinook a local wind?

Chinook is the warm and dry local wind blowing on the leeward side or eastern side of Rockies (Prairies). Chinook is more common in winter and early spring from Colorado to British Columbia in Canada. The winds after descending through eastern slopes of the Rockies have warmed adiabatically.

What is a chinook wind quizlet?

-Chinook: Warm, dry, downslope wind that descends the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains.

What is Chinook Winds in geography?

Chinook winds, or simply ‘Chinooks’, are two types of prevailing warm, generally westerly winds in western North America: Coastal Chinooks and interior Chinooks. The coastal Chinooks are persistent seasonal, wet, southwesterly winds blowing in from the ocean.

What is Chinook wind Class 7?

Answer: Chinook is a hot wind that blows in winter. Being hot it raises the temperature within a short time. This increase in temperature results in the melting of snow, making the pasturelands available for grazing of animals.

What does Chinook winds refer to?

A Chinook wind is a warm, dry wind originating from the Pacific Ocean which blows eastward over the Rockies, then cools on the mountainous slopes and warms significantly as it blows downward onto the prairies.

What was the weather like in the Chinook?

A chinook is a wind most notable in the northern high plains that brings in drier and warmer weather. One of the main reasons for the change in the weather is the sloped elevation. When air moves from the higher elevations of the west it downslopes as it moves east.

What is a Chinook wind called in Switzerland?

…that is known as the foehn blows from Switzerland or Austria, and in the east the cold, dry bora blows with gusts up to 125 miles (200 km) per hour. …wind is variously called chinook, foehn, or Santa Ana). Changes of this kind, however, involve a wider range of meteorological processes than discussed in this section.

What is a Chinook weather pattern?

Chinook is the local name given to a peculiar weather pattern found in a number of regions of the world. Warm mountain winds in an area with long mountain ranges lying perpendicular to the wind result in a sudden increase in temperature and concomitant decrease in humidity.