Which type of soil is leaching?

Which type of soil is leaching?

In areas of extensive leaching, many plant nutrients are lost, leaving quartz and hydroxides of iron, manganese, and aluminum. This remainder forms a distinctive type of soil, called laterite, or latosol, and may result in deposits of bauxite.

What is leaching in soil example?

laterite soil found in the north-eastern hills is India is an example if leaching soil. the high temperatures and heavy rainfall resulting in alternating wet and dry spells cause the soluble silica in the soil to be removed.

What is the characteristics of black soil?

It is fine textured and clayey in nature. It has high amounts of lime, iron, magnesium and generally low quantities of phosphorus, nitrogen and organic matter. It is black in colour since it is formed from weathered lava rocks. It has up to 50% clay content and therefore is highly retentive of water.

What is the origin of black soil?

In the Gangetic Plain the two branches merge into one.

In which of the following states is black soil found?

The black soil is majorly found in the parts of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, North- Western Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.

How are black soil formed?

Black soil is formed by the weathering or breaking of igneous rocks and also by the cooling or solidification of lava from the volcano eruption. This soil is formed from rocks of cretaceous lava and is formed from the volcano eruption.

For which crops black soil is the most suitable?

Crops in Black Soils

  • These soils are best suited for cotton crop.
  • Other major crops grown on the black soils include wheat, jowar, linseed, virginia tobacco, castor, sunflower and millets.
  • Rice and sugarcane are equally important where irrigation facilities are available.

What is the main drawback of black soil?

Kharif in dependable rainfall areas (750mm-1250mm/yr) means considerable loss of water through runoff, considerable loss of nutrients, considerable soil erosion and loss of one crop. Black soil have low fertility and are poor in organic matter, nitrogen, available phosphorous and zinc.

Why is black soil important?

Black soils constitute the food basket for many countries and for the world in general and are often recognized as inherently productive and fertile soils. They are extensively and intensively farmed, and increasingly dedicated to cereal production, pasture, range and forage systems.

What are the advantages of black soil?


  • Agro-friendly contents make them fertile.
  • These soils are highly moisture-retentive, thus responding well to irrigation.
  • These are enriched with calcium carbonate, magnesium, potash and lime which are all nutrients.
  • The iron-rich granular structure makes them resistant to wind and water.

Why is black soil fertile?

The black soils are also called as regur are fertile because they are highly moisture retentive, more clay content,which responds well to irrigation. The black soils are argillaceous contains many essential nutrients along with some content of humus as well.

Which soil is formed by intense leaching?

laterite soils
The word Laterite is derived from Latin word ‘later’ which means ‘brick’. Main reason of laterite soils formation is due to intense leaching. Leaching happens due to high tropical rains and high temperature.

What do you mean by leaching in soil?

In layman’s terms, leaching in soil means leaking of water down the soil. The soil is more like a sponge. When it rains, the top part of the soil absorbs as much water, keeping the moisture available for the plants. However, when the soil is filled with water more than it can hold, leaching occurs.

What are two characteristic features of black soil?

Name two characteristic features of black soil. Black soil is also known as black cotton soil and regur. Two characteristic features of black soil are as follows: Deep, fine-grained and varying in colour from black to chestnut brown. Moisture-retentive and very sticky when wet.

What makes clay soil more prone to leaching?

On the other hand, leaching is less of a problem for soil like clay. There are several factors that make the soil prone to leaching. One of them is the soil structure or type. For example, clay soil has a high water retention level while sandy soil holds less water. Another factor is the amount of water that the plants can absorb and use.

How are nutrients leached out of the soil?

Nutrient leaching is the downward movement of dissolved nutrients in the soil profile with percolating water. Nutrients that are leached below the rooting zone of the vegetation are at least temporarily lost from the system, although they may be recycled if roots grow deeper.