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Which soda can dissolve a mouse?
Pepsi Co., facing a lawsuit from a man who claims to have found a mouse in his Mountain Dew can, has an especially creative, if disgusting, defense: their soda would have dissolved a dead mouse before the man could have found it.
What famous soda brand was sued for allegations that their drink could dissolve an entire mouse?
A man in the U.S. is suing Pepsi Co. over a mouse allegedly found in a can of Mountain Dew, a claim the company rejects by saying the acid in the beverage would disintegrate the animal’s body.
Is Mtn Dew zero discontinued?
Conversation. While Mtn Dew Zero Sugar has not been nationally discontinued, local availability of our products can vary.
What happens when you dissolve a mouse in Mountain Dew?
“But dissolving [the mouse] does not mean it will disappear, because you’ll still have the collagen and the soft tissue part. It will be like rubber.”. According to Ren, Mountain Dew contains citric acid, a substance naturally found in citrus fruits that exists as a powder in its purified, industrialized form.
Who is the parent company of Mountain Dew?
An attempt to win a small court battle this week has put Mountain Dew in peril of losing a much larger war. PepsiCo, the soft drink’s parent company, defended itself against a man who claimed he found a dead mouse in a can of the citrus soda.
How much does Diet Mountain Dew damage your teeth?
(As a side note, “Diet” labels won’t shield your teeth from the damage: In the study, Diet Mountain Dew eroded more than 8 percent of the tooth enamel in the course of two weeks.)
How does Mountain Dew affect your digestive system?
Your stomach and intestines, however, are built to withstand a variety of acidic digestive juices. For people with healthy digestive tracts, a little extra acid from Mountain Dew, which passes through your system relatively quickly, shouldn’t harm your stomach like it does your teeth.