Which school is the best in Otjiwarongo?

Which school is the best in Otjiwarongo?

Otjiwarongo Secondary School
The most improved school in the ordinary level is Paresis Secondary School while the best performing school in the ordinary level is Otjiwarongo Secondary School. The most improved school in the higher level is JG Van Der Wath Secondary School.

How many secondary schools are in Otjiwarongo?

There are about 15 schools in Otjiwarongo, three private schools and twelve public schools. All schools final exams for grade 10 and 12 are regulated by the Ministry of Education, Arts & Culture. The schools of Otjiwarongo attract more and more non-resident students.

What is the meaning of otjozondjupa?

Otjozondjupa is one of the fourteen regions of Namibia. Its capital is Otjiwarongo. The region further contains the municipalities of Okahandja and Grootfontein and the towns Okakarara and Otavi.

Which region is the biggest in Namibia?

Oshana Region
Oshana Region The administrative capital of the region is Oshakati. According to 2011 data, 174,900 people live in the region. The area is the largest in the country with an area of 8,647 square kilometers.

In which region is Otjiwarongo?

Otjiwarongo, town, north-central Namibia. Otjiwarongo town (at an elevation of 4,790 feet [1,460 metres]) is located in a generally flat, semiarid region of varied grasses, scrub bush, and thorn trees. Sheep and cattle are grazed in the region, which was originally inhabited by the Bergdama (Damara) and San (Bushmen).

What is capital of Namibia?


Windhoek, town, capital of Namibia, located roughly in the centre of the country. It lies at an elevation of 5,428 feet (1,654 metres) and is about 400 miles (650 km) north of the Orange River and 760 miles (1,225 km) north of Cape Town, South Africa.

Which towns are in Oshikoto region?

Oshikoto comprises eleven constituencies:

  • Eengodi.
  • Guinas.
  • Nehale lyaMpingana.
  • Okankolo.
  • Olukonda.
  • Omuntele.
  • Omuthiyagwiipundi.
  • Onayena.

When did the town of Otjiwarongo become a town?

The Hereros where the only African settlers in the town until 1906 when few amount of Ovambo and Damara tribes migrated to the town for settlement. This happened when Otjiwarongo was established as an administration point for the Germans and officially became a town.

Where is the capital of Namibia Otjiwarongo District?

Otjiwarongo ( Otjiherero: beautiful place) is a city of 28,000 inhabitants in the Otjozondjupa Region of Namibia. It is the district capital of the Otjiwarongo electoral constituency and also the capital of Otjozondjupa .

Which is the biggest hospital in Otjiwarongo District?

Otjiwarongo District State Hospital is the biggest hospital in the town and very soon a Referral State Hospital will be built, it is mostly used by the middle and low income residents. A number of private clinics and hospitals are also present in the town, including a branch of MediCity Private Clinic.

What to see and do in Otjiwarongo, New Guinea?

The main interest for tourists is Otjiwarongo’s proximity to the Waterberg Plateau Park. Otjiwarongo is home to the Cheetah Conservation Fund, an internationally recognized organization dedicated to ensuring the long-term survival of the cheetah through research, conservation and education.