Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the sample range to measures of spread or dispersion?

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the sample range to measures of spread or dispersion?

The disadvantage of range is that it is extremely sensitive to outliers. This is because range is determined by subtracting the largest value from the…

Why is range not a good measure of spread?

The range is a useful statistic, but it cannot stand alone as a measure of spread since it takes into account only two scores. The semi-interquartile range is rarely used as a measure of spread, in part because it is not very mathematically tractable.

What is a disadvantage of using the range as a measure of variation quizlet?

What is a disadvantage of using the range as a measure of​ variation? The units of variance are squared. Its units are meaningless. When calculating the sample standard​ deviation, the sum of the squared deviations is divided by nminus​1, then the square root of the result is taken.

What is a disadvantage of using the range?

The disadvantage of using range is that it does not measure the spread of the majority of values in a data set-it only measures the spread between highest and lowest values. As a result, other measures are required in order to give a better picture of the data spread.

What is a disadvantage of the range as a measure of dispersion quizlet?

What is a disadvantage of the range as a measure of dispersion? It is based on only two observations. Which measure of dispersion disregards the algebraic signs (plus and minus) of each difference between X and the mean?

What is the disadvantage of the range as a measure of dispersion?

The main disadvantage in using interquartile range as a measure of dispersion is that it is not amenable to mathematical manipulation.

What is an advantage of using the range?

An advantage of using the range is that it is easy to calculate. The Range = difference between highest and lowest observed values. The disadvantage of using the range is that it uses only two values of the data set (the greatest one and the least one).

Whats the advantage of using the range as a measure of variation?

What is an advantage of using the range as a measure of variation? The range is the difference between the largest and the smallest observation in the data. The prime advantage of this measure of dispersion is that it is easy to calculate.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of arithmetic mean?

Advantage 1: Fast and easy to calculate. Advantage 2: Easy to work with and use in further analysis. Disadvantage 1: Sensitive to extreme values. Disadvantage 2: Not suitable for time series type of data.

What are the disadvantages of using a range?

Range is highly affected by sampling fluctuations. 3. Range cannot be determined in case of open end class distribution. 4. It is not suitable for further algebraic treatments and other mathematical calculations. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook

When to use the range as a measure of variability?

It helps us to make only a rough comparison of two or more groups of variability. The range takes into account the two extreme scores in a series. Thus when the number of data in the data set is small or when there are large enough gaps in the distribution, range is unreliable.as measure of variability.

What are the advantages of a rigidly defined range?

1 Rigidly Defined Range is rigidly defined measure of dispersion. So, it value is always fixed. 2 Simple And Easy Method It does not require special mathematical knowledge to compute range. 3 Usefulness

When do you use a measure of dispersion?

A measure of dispersion tells you the spread of the data. This is important to know the spread of your data when describing your data set. Most describe a set of data by using only the mean or median