Which countries did Benin trade with?

Which countries did Benin trade with?

Benin trade balance, exports and imports by country In 2019, Benin major trading partner countries for exports were Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, China and Nigeria and for imports they were India, China, Togo, France and Thailand.

Who did Benin trade slaves with?

Benin’s conflict over slavery is particularly intense. For over 200 years, powerful kings in what is now the country of Benin captured and sold slaves to Portuguese, French and British merchants.

What did the people of Benin trade to the Europeans?

European traders were keen to acquire Benin’s art, gold, ivory and pepper. Benin was very heavily involved in the slave trade and seized men women and children from surrounding peoples.

Who did the Obas of Benin mainly trade with in the 1480s?

Benin made contact with Europeans in the 1480s when Portuguese traders happened upon it while seemingly trying to find a way around the traditional Sahara trade routes. Dutch merchants arrived 100 years later and, over next 200 years, more traders came from England, France, Germany and Spain.

What did Portuguese trade with Benin?

When the Portuguese arrived in Benin, Nigeria, in the fifteenth century, they quickly started trading brass and copper for pepper, cloth, ivory and slaves. The number of manillas in circulation increased dramatically from the sixteenth century when they became one of the standard trade currencies.

What did the Benin Empire trade?

From the 15th through the 18th century Benin carried on an active trade in ivory, palm oil, and pepper with Portuguese and Dutch traders, for whom it served as a link with tribes in the interior of western Africa. It also profited greatly from the slave trade.

What did the Portuguese get from the Benin people?

When the Portuguese arrived in Benin, Nigeria, in the fifteenth century, they quickly started trading brass and copper for pepper, cloth, ivory and slaves. In the 1490s a Portuguese trader wrote that at Benin copper bracelets were more highly prized than brass ones.

How did people trade in Benin?

What did the Benin want from the Portuguese?

The success of Benin was fueled by its lively trade. Tradesmen and artisans from Benin developed relationships with the Portuguese, who sought after the kingdom’s artwork, gold, ivory, and pepper. In the early modern era, Benin was also heavily involved in the West African slave trade.

What does Source 4 suggest about Benin relations with the Portuguese?

Even though the Benin figurine from source 4 shows the Portuguese foreigner in an aggressive stance with a weapon of war, it would be common for Portuguese explorers and delegations to have armed soldiers with them to protect them on their expeditions in Africa.

How is Benin linked to the slave trade?

Benin’s history is indelibly linked to the slave trade: Local leaders sold their war prisoners to European traders. The country is now trying to heal the rifts still keenly felt in society. Benin reckons with its slave trade past | All media content | DW | 10.10.2020

Why was the Kingdom of Benin so successful?

The success of Benin was fueled by its lively trade. Tradesmen and artisans from Benin developed relationships with the Portuguese, who sought after the kingdom’s artwork, gold, ivory, and pepper. In the early modern era, Benin was also heavily involved in the West African slave trade.

How much does Benin import from the world?

In 2019 Benin imported $5B, making it the number 137 trade destination in the world. During the last five reported years the imports of Benin changed by -$3.97B from $8.98B in 2014 to $5B in 2019.

When did the Portuguese first come to Benin?

When the Portuguese arrived in Benin, Nigeria, in the fifteenth century, they quickly started trading brass and copper for pepper, cloth, ivory and slaves. In the 1490s a Portuguese trader wrote that at Benin copper bracelets were more highly prized than brass ones. Brass manilla (bracelet), 19th century C.E. © Trustees of the British Museum