Which climate zone is common along the equator in Africa?

Which climate zone is common along the equator in Africa?

The humid equatorial climate of Central Africa, which lies along the equator, sustains tropical rainforests throughout the region and provides the excellent growing conditions needed for high value crops such as bananas, coffee, oil palm, and cacao.

What is the most common climate found along the equator?

Tropical climates
Tropical climates are found near the equator. They are warm and humid and experience a lot of rainfall, particularly during their wet season, which can occur once or twice each year. Rain forests grow in tropical climates.

What climate zones can be found in Africa?

The climate of Africa is a range of climates such as the equatorial climate, the tropical wet and dry climate, the tropical monsoon climate, the semi-arid climate (semi-desert and steppe), the desert climate (hyper-arid and arid), and the subtropical highland climate.

What is equator region?

The Equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth. It is halfway between the North and South Poles, and divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What type of climate is most of Africa?

Africa’s climate is dominated by desert conditions along vast stretches of its northern and southern fringes. The central portion of the continent is wetter, with tropical rainforests, grasslands, and semi-arid climates.

What climate zone is found near the equator?

tropical zone
The climate region near the equator with warm air masses is known as tropical. In the tropical zone, the average temperature in the coldest month is 18 °C. This is warmer than the average temperature of the warmest month in the polar zone.

What is Equator climate zone?

A tropical rainforest climate or equatorial climate is a tropical climate usually found within 10 to 15 degrees latitude of the equator. They experience high mean annual temperatures, small temperature ranges, and rain that falls throughout the year. A tropical rainforest climate is typically hot, very humid, and wet.

What are the 4 main climate zones in Africa?

Sub-Saharan Africa has four climate zones: desert, semiarid or Sahel, savanna (grasslands), and tropical forests.

What is the climate in West Africa?

Climate. West Africa has wet and dry seasons resulting from the interaction of two migrating air masses. The lowland climates of West Africa are characterized by uniformly high sunshine and high temperatures throughout the year; mean annual temperatures are usually above 18°C.

What are the four climate zones of West Africa?

These are the bioclimatic zones known as the Saharan, Sahelian, Sudanian, Guinean, and Guineo-Congolian Regions, shown in the map above. The lines between these regions represent more of a transition along a continuous ecological gradient than sharp boundaries.

Where are the climate zones located in Africa?

The six main climate zones of Africa are found to the north and south of the equator, namely, Equatorial, Humid Tropical, Tropical, Semi- desert (Sahalian), Mediterranean and Desert. A climate region is an area with similar temperature and rainfall.

Which is the climate closest to the equator?

For example, hot regions are normally closest to the equator. The climate is hotter there because the Sun’s light is most directly overhead at the equator. And the North and South Poles are cold because the Sun’s light and heat are least direct there. The snow-covered peaks of the Chigmit Range during winter. Credit: NPS/M. Cahill 2015

Why is Africa the most tropical continent in the world?

The equator runs through the middle of Africa, as do the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, making Africa the most tropical continent. The already hot and dry climate that straddles the equator, makes it the most vulnerable continent to climate change

Which is the wettest type of climate in Africa?

Regions with the equatorial, or tropical wet, type of climate, or variants thereof, are the wettest in Africa. There are two peak periods of rainfall corresponding to the double passage of the ITCZ.