Where was the Shabaka Stone found?

Where was the Shabaka Stone found?

the Temple of Ptah
Part of this project involved restoring various ancient texts, the most famous of which was named the Shabaka Stone, found in the Temple of Ptah in Memphis.

Why does the Shabaka Stone have big hole in its center?

Projecting from the rectangular hole in the center of the stone are radial rough stripes, which destroyed the inscription within a radius of 78 cm, measured from the middle of the stone. According to the secondary literature on the monument, this damage occurred because the stone was re-used as a millstone.

When was the Shabaka Stone made?

The inscription, much damaged on account of the slab’s having been reused as a millstone, dates from the reign of the Nubian Pharaoh Shabaka, of the 25th Dynasty (c. 716-702 BC), and it was originally set up in the temple of Ptah at Memphis.

Where is Taharqa mentioned in the Bible?

Biblical references Mainstream scholars agree that Taharqa is the Biblical “Tirhakah”, king of Ethiopia (Kush), who waged war against Sennacherib during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah (2 Kings 19:9; Isaiah 37:9).

Who created the Shabaka stone?

This slab, later used a millstone, tells of the world’s creation by Ptah, chief god of Memphis. The text is Archaic, and a preface claims that Shabaqo (Shabako) A Kushite King, had it copied from an ancient worm-eaten scroll in the temple of Ptah. Memphis features as Egypt’s capital and Ptah as a king.

What did Taharqa build?

It was during the 25th dynasty that the Nile valley saw the first widespread construction of pyramids (many in modern Sudan) since the Middle Kingdom. Taharqa built the largest pyramid (52 square meters at base) in the Nubian region at Nuri (near El-Kurru) with the most elaborate Kushite rock-cut tomb.

What was Shabaka buried in?

Shabaka is assumed to have died in his 15th regnal year based on BM cube statue 24429, which is dated to Year 15, II Shemu day 11 of Shabaka’s reign. Shabaka was buried in a pyramid at el-Kurru and was succeeded by his nephew Taharqa.

When did Shabaka die and when did Taharqa take over?

Shabaka is assumed to have died in his 15th regnal year based on BM cube statue 24429, which is dated to Year 15, II Shemu day 11 of Shabaka’s reign. Shabaka was buried in a pyramid at el-Kurru and was succeeded by his nephew Taharqa .

Why was King Shabaka important to ancient Egypt?

Shabaka succeeded in preserving Egypt’s independence from outside foreign powers—especially the Neo-Assyrian Empire of Sargon II. The most famous relic from Shabaka’s reign is the Shabaka Stone which records several Old Kingdom documents that the king ordered preserved.

Who was the father of the Assyrian king Shabaka?

Shabaka is thought to be the son of King Kashta and Pebatjma, although a text from the time of Taharqa could be interpreted to mean that Shabaka was a brother of Taharqa and hence a son of Piye. Shabaka’s Queen Consort was Qalhata, according to Assyrian records, a sister of Taharqa.