Where does Paul Marshall work atonement?

Where does Paul Marshall work atonement?

A somewhat dull friend of Leon’s who is heir to a chocolate-making fortune. His family company manufactures Amo bars.

What do the AMO bars symbolize in atonement?

The “Amo Bar” is a pun. It sounds like “Ammo,” or bullets. But it also references the Latin word for love—presumably because the chocolate will remind soldiers of home. Paul sells chocolate named for love and death—which seems appropriate, considering the fact that he’s a rapist.

What are amo bars?

Amo Bars are the candy manufactured by Paul Marshall’s family company, distributed to soldiers in World War II.

Who is Lola in atonement?

Lola Quincey, the fifteen-year-old cousin of the Tallis children, wants to be grown up. She’s a drama queen who paints her toenails and wears perfume with a “womanly tang” and steals the main role in Briony’s play while acting like she’s too good to be in the play anyway (1.10. 20).

Why did Briony lie in Atonement?

That’s why she thought the young man forced Cecilia to undress, only to later “assault her” before dinner. That skewed logic together with Lola’s malicious words about Robbie was the lethal combination that led Briony to lie that night.

What does the vase symbolize in atonement?

Throughout Ian McEwan’s Atonement, the Meissen vase symbolizes the destruction of several seemingly breakable relationships. The vase plays an important role in the Tallis’ family heritage. He was a war hero for risking his life for others and receives the vase as a sign a gratitude.

How important is social class in determining the events in atonement?

In Atonement, Ian McEwan utilizes social class in the main characters to demonstrate that class defines individuals by governing their potential opportunities. Robbie Turner is a character that McEwan uses to exemplify the advantages and disadvantages of being an educated member of the lower class.

What’s the twist in Atonement?

In real life, Robbie died of septicaemia while awaiting for the evacuation in Dunkirk and Cecilia died a couple of months later during the bombing of Balham tube station. Therefore, Briony decided to reunite the couple in her book as a way to compensate for the happiness that she robbed them when they were alive.

What does Briony think happened by the fountain?

Cecilia undresses in front of Robbie to get into the fountain to pick up the broken pieces (McEwan 30). Briony believed that Robbie had some kind of power over Cecilia; her interpretation came from her knowledge from the Victoria era that men were superior to women (McEwan 38).

What do Cecilia and Robbie ask Briony to do?

The last thing Cecilia and Robbie ask Briony to do is try and remember what Danny Hardman was doing that night. Briony responds that Old Hardman was likely telling the truth—Paul Marshall was in fact the one who raped Lola.

Why does Paul tell the Quincey children about his chocolate factory?

Paul tells them of his chocolate factory and ensures the children that there “will be a war.” The main analysis to be taken away from this chapter is how much Lola yearns for male presence in the absence of her father, and Paul Marshall’s underlying motives in taking an interest in the Quincey children predicament.

What did Paul Marshall do to Lola in atonement?

[The twins] watched [Lola’s] tongue turn green as it curled around the edges of the candy casing. Paul Marshall sat back in the armchair, watching her closely over the steeple he made with his hands in front of his face. He crossed and uncrossed his legs. Then he took a deep breath. ‘Bite it,’ he said softly. ‘You’ve got to bite it.’

What to take away from Chapter 5 of Atonement?

The main analysis to be taken away from this chapter is how much Lola yearns for male presence in the absence of her father, and Paul Marshall’s underlying motives in taking an interest in the Quincey children predicament. Once again, we have a scene witnessed through a window.

What was the plot of the movie Atonement?

Paul keenly follows Hitler’s political advance and predicts war. He plans to sell chocolate bars to the British military to give to its soldiers. While he tries to amuse Pierrot and Jackson, Paul and Lola flirt. Embarrassed by his behavior earlier in the day, Robbie tries to write an apology note to Cecilia.