What were the 2 sides to ww1?

What were the 2 sides to ww1?

The war pitted the Central Powers (mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey) against the Allies (mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States).

What are the 2 names given to the fighting sides of World War 1?

The two sides in World War I were called the Allies and the Central Powers. The Allies consisted of Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia.

What was World War 1 and 2 about?

The First World War (WWI) was fought from 1914 to 1918 and the Second World War (or WWII) was fought from 1939 to 1945. They were the largest military conflicts in human history. Both wars involved military alliances between different groups of countries.

What are the names of the two sides of war?

What were the two sides in World War Two? The war was fought chiefly between two major alliances: the Axis and the Allies.

How was World war 1 and WWII different?

While WWI was fought in the trenches and used machine guns and poisonous gas, WWII was fought using modern artillery and machines utilizing more airplanes, ships, tanks, and submarines. WWII ended with the defeat of Germany and Japan. It led to the rise of two new world superpowers, the USA and the Soviet Union.

What two sides were fighting in the sniper?

In the first paragraph, O’Flaherty reveals that the two sides at war are the Republicans and the Free Staters. To put this into context, these two sides emerged during the Irish Civil War of 1922 – 1923.

Who were the 2 opposing alliances in World War 2?

There were two major alliances during World War II: the Axis and the Allies. The three principal partners in the Axis alliance were Germany, Italy, and Japan. These three countries recognized German domination over most of continental Europe; Italian domination over the Mediterranean Sea; and Japanese domination over East Asia and the Pacific.

What country switched sides in WW1?

Italy was the European country that entered WWI as part of the Central powers but later switched sides to the Allies in 1915. Explanation:

What were the 2 sides called in World War 1?

(Follow this link to learn more about how World War 1 started) The two main sides were the Allies, which included France, Great Britain and Russia; and Germany and Austria-Hungary. In total, 30 countries were involved in the conflict. Italy, once part of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary, fought on the side of the Allies.

What were the opposing sides in World War 2?

It was by far the deadliest conflict ever in world history. The two opposing sides were the “Allies”, which included most of Europe, the Soviet Union and the USA, and the “Axis” alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan.