What was Akhenaten impact?

What was Akhenaten impact?

In just under two decades on the throne, Akhenaten imposed new aspects of Egyptian religion, overhauled its royal artistic style, moved Egypt’s capital to a previously unoccupied site, implemented a new form of architecture and attempted to obliterate the names and images of some of Egypt’s traditional gods.

What changes did King Akhenaten make in ancient Egypt How did they change the lives of the people at that time?

However, in the fifth year, he underwent a dramatic religious transformation, changed his devotion from the cult of Amun to that of Aten, and, for the next twelve years, became famous (or infamous) as the ‘heretic king’ who abolished the traditional religious rites of Egypt and instituted the first known monotheistic …

Why was Akhenaten an important ruler?

Although Akhenaten’s reign saw sweeping religious reforms and particular artistic developments, his legacy crumbled under later pharaohs. Akhenaten’s son, Tutankhaten, restored the disgraced Amun as king of the gods, and he renamed himself Tutankhamun to honor Amun.

What changes did King Tut bring out during his reign?

Tutankhamun reversed Akhenaten’s reforms early in his reign, reviving worship of the god Amun, restoring Thebes as a religious center and changing the end of his name to reflect royal allegiance to the creator god Amun.

What did King Tut do in his lifetime?

What did Tutankhamun accomplish during his reign? Tutankhamun helped restore traditional Egyptian religion and art, both of which had been set aside by his predecessor, Akhenaten. He issued a decree restoring the temples, images, personnel, and privileges of the old gods.

What was the impact of Akhenaten on society?

One of the only positive impacts was that he built many new temples including the Great Temple of Aten and the Temple of Amenhotep IV. Source 5 is a primary source. It is a well preserved stele from the Great temple of Aten. It shows the cartouche of Akhenaten and the cartouche of Neferkheperure.

What did Tutankhamun do to Akhenaten’s memory?

When Akhenaten died, he was succeeded briefly by Smenkhkare, his favorite, and then by Tutankhaten who change his name to Tutankhamun, dropping the Aten and embracing Amun. Tutankhamun eventually returned Egypt to its traditional values and Akhenaten’s memory was erased.

What was the name of Akhenaten’s Son?

Although Akhenaten’s reign saw sweeping religious reforms and particular artistic developments, his legacy crumbled under later pharaohs. Akhenaten’s son, Tutankhaten, restored the disgraced Amun as king of the gods, and he renamed himself Tutankhamun to honor Amun. The cult of Aton vanished.

When did Akhenaten come to the throne of Egypt?

The radical changes Akhenaten made have led to his characterisation as the ‘first individual in human history’ and this in turn has led to endless speculation about his background and motivation; he is cast as hero or villain according to the viewpoint of the commentator. Akhenaten came to the throne of Egypt around 1353 BC.