What unit of measurement is used for DIMM read and write times?

What unit of measurement is used for DIMM read and write times?

Micro Exam 3

Question Answer
What unit of measurement is used for DIMM read and write times? Nanosecond
Which memory technology that is no longer used has a 32-bit data bus, 232 pins and requires a placeholder in empty slots? RIMM
Which of the following is NOT a feature of a processor? Amount of CMOS

What is DIMM configuration?

A DIMM (/dɪm/) or dual in-line memory module, commonly called a RAM stick, comprises a series of dynamic random-access memory integrated circuits. These modules are mounted on a printed circuit board and designed for use in personal computers, workstations, printers, and servers.

What unit is used to measure the frequency of memory FSB and the processor?

(b) Hz is the answer.

What is Ram pin?

The part that connects your Ram to your Motherboard is the Pins part… i.e: Here is a picture of a very old ram module “SIMM 30-pin”.. i’m using this old ram to make it simpler for you, as it have only 30 Pins.

What does 8gb DDR mean?

What Does DDR Mean? The RAM you use in your computer operates using Double Data Rate (DDR). DDR RAM means that two transfers happen per clock cycle. Newer types of RAM are updated versions of the same technology, hence why RAM modules carry the label of DDR, DDR2, DDR3, and so on.

How do I read my RAM clock speed?

Click Ctrl + Shift + ESC at once on your keyboard. It will open the Task Manager for you. Then, go to the Performance tab and click Memory. That’s where you will find the RAM speed of your PC.

What is DIMM and SIMM?

DIMM and SIMM are two major types of random-access memory standards for personal computers. DIMM is an acronym for “dual in-line memory module,” while SIMM stands for “single in-line memory module.” The naming of each type of RAM refers to the specific way in which the memory is packaged.

How are DIMMs used in a personal computer?

These modules are mounted on a printed circuit board and designed for use in personal computers, workstations and servers. DIMMs began to replace SIMMs (single in-line memory modules) as the predominant type of memory module as Intel P5-based Pentium processors began to gain market share.

Why does LRDIMM use 2 DIMM per channel?

The LRDIMM power efficiency gains at 2 DIMM per channel result from the architectural advantage of having the memory buffer on each LRDIMM located between the memory controller and the DRAM, rather than having all DRAM on all RDIMMs on a given memory channel connected directly to the memory controller.

What kind of memory is a DIMM memory stick?

A DIMM or dual in-line memory module, commonly called a RAM stick, comprises a series of dynamic random-access memory integrated circuits. These modules are mounted on a printed circuit board and designed for use in personal computers, workstations, printers, and servers.

How are DIMMs based on double data rate DRAM?

DIMMs based on Double Data Rate (DDR) DRAM have data but not the strobe at double the rate of the clock; this is achieved by clocking on both the rising and falling edge of the data strobes. Power consumption and voltage gradually became lower with each generation of DDR-based DIMMs.