What type of Spectra will a dark nebulae produce?

What type of Spectra will a dark nebulae produce?


Term True or false: the space between stars is empty Definition false
Term What kind of spectra does emission nebulae produce? Definition emission spectra
Term What is another name for an emission nebulae? How is it produced? Definition AKA HII region. Produced UV radiation from nearby hot stars ionizes gas

What happens in a dark nebula?

Dark nebulae are interstellar clouds that contain a very high concentration of dust. The average temperature inside a dark nebula ranges from about 10 to 100 Kelvin, allowing hydrogen molecules to form and star formation to take place.

What causes dark nebula?

What causes a dark nebula? They are caused by interstellar clouds with a very high concentration of dust grains obscuring light. These dust clouds obscure and block visible light objects behind it. Such as background stars or emission or reflection nebulae.

What do dark dust clouds radiate?

Dark dust clouds obscure our view in visible light, but for longer wavelength radiation in the infrared and radio the clouds are transparent. Even though the dark dust clouds are cold (100 ), the dark dust clouds do emit their own radiation in the infrared and radio wavelengths.

What is the difference between a dark nebula and an emission nebula quizlet?

– Emission nebulae are found near hot, luminous stars of spectral types O and B. What is a dark nebula? Something so opaque that it blocks any visible light coming from stars that lie behind it. What is a reflection nebula?

Is Dark Nebula Dark Matter?

Dark Nebula’s behavior has a passing resemblance to that of Miracle Matter. Dark Nebula is also noted to be similar to the Dark Matter group in the Japan-exclusive 20th Anniversary Kirby of the Stars Dream Land Encyclopedia, although it also states that is is unclear if they’re connected.

What is the difference between dark matter and dark nebulae?

There is one form of dark matter that we can in fact see or rather we can see that it exists. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that we can see throughout our galaxy and indeed can be seen in other galaxies.

Which type of nebula is visible because nearby stars heat up the nebula causing it to glow?

An emission nebula is a glowing cloud of ionized gas that is excited by ultraviolet radiation absorbed from hot nearby stars. Such a star must be hotter than 25,000 K to emit enough UV radiation to ionize the gas. When a gas is ionized, it’s excited and produces an emission spectrum with a distinct pink color.

Which statement about the dark nebulae is true?

Which statement about the dark nebulae is true? They can be penetrated only with longer wavelengths such as radio and infrared.