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What is the word meaning of combine?
1 : to mix together so as to make or to seem one thing Combine the ingredients in a large bowl. 2 : to be or cause to be together for a purpose The two groups combined to work for reform. combine. noun.
What is the origin of the word combine?
The first records of the word combine come from around the 1400s. It is derived from the Late Latin combīnāre, which is formed from com-, meaning “together,” and bīnī, meaning “two by two.” Combining often involves joining two things, but it can be more than two.
What is the origin of the word current?
current (adj.) 1300, curraunt, “running, flowing, moving along” (a sense now archaic), from Old French corant “running, lively, eager, swift,” present participle of corre “to run,” from Latin currere “to run, move quickly” (of persons or things), from PIE root *kers- “to run.” Related: Currentness.
What is it called when two words are combined?
portmanteau word, also called blend, a word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words, such that the portmanteau word expresses some combination of the meaning of its parts.
Is it combine or combined?
Combine is appropriate in the VOA quote. It is the main verb of the sentence, indicating that rates are combining with population. Combined with would be ungrammatical; the dependent clause introduced by as would have no main verb because combined would be a participle. I feel ‘combine with’ is the correct form.
What is the word for combining data?
Frequently Asked Questions About merge Some common synonyms of merge are amalgamate, blend, coalesce, commingle, fuse, mingle, and mix. While all these words mean “to combine into a more or less uniform whole,” merge suggests a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole.
What is a combine nation?
The Combine is an Alliance of Nations that believes in the Sovereign right of The Combine and it’s members. Nothing will be asked of a nation without just cause.
What does it mean to say current?
adjective. cur·rent | \ ˈkər-ənt , ˈkə-rənt \ Essential Meaning of current. 1 : happening or existing now : belonging to or existing in the present time the current month the magazine’s current issue See More Examples.
Which is the best definition of the word combine?
to bring into or join in a close union or whole; unite: She combined the ingredients to make the cake. They combined the two companies. to possess or exhibit in union: a plan that combines the best features of several other plans. to harvest (grain) with a combine.
Which is the correct definition of the word join?
Verb (1) join, combine, unite, connect, link, associate, relate mean to bring or come together into some manner of union. join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.
What happens when you combine two or more things?
Combining often involves joining two things, but it can be more than two. When you combine multiple things, the idea is to form a single thing. Chefs combine ingredients to create a dish. Elements combine to form molecules.
What is the meaning of the word Mix?
1 : to mix together so as to make or to seem one thing Combine the ingredients in a large bowl. 2 : to be or cause to be together for a purpose The two groups combined to work for reform.