What is the role of priest in Old Testament?

What is the role of priest in Old Testament?

A priest is required to act as a mediator. He is one who represents the Divine being to His subjects and in return from them to their God. He acts as an ambassador, a chosen vehicle through whom Yahweh God has chosen to serve the people and represent Him, on His behalf.

Who is the high priest in the Old Testament?

Aaron, though he is but rarely called “the great priest”, being generally simply designated as “ha-kohen” (the priest), was the first incumbent of the office, to which he was appointed by God (Book of Exodus 28:1–2; 29:4–5).

How many priests were there in the Old Testament?

Surprisingly, the system of the 24 priestly divisions remained until the period of the New Testament. The division of Abijah, in which John the Baptist’s father Zacharias belonged to, pertains to the 8th order in the 24 divisions of the priests in the Old Testament.

How were high priests chosen in the Old Testament?

The office, first conferred on Aaron by his brother Moses, was normally hereditary and for life. In the 2nd century bc, however, bribery led to several reappointments, and the last of the high priests were appointed by government officials or chosen by lot.

What are the duties of a priest in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament the primary function of the priests was to draw near to God and bear God’s people before God. By offering sacrifices in the outer court, the priests were able to enter into the Holy Place and eventually into the Holy of Holies, where the presence of God was.

Who is the priest in the Bible?

priest – meaning in Easy English. In the Bible, a priest was a man from the family of Aaron, Moses’ brother. Aaron belonged to the tribe of Levi. God chose the men in this family to make sacrifices and offerings to God for the Israelites .

What is the biblical definition of priest?

Bible Term: Priest. A priest is someone set apart to act as God’s representative and to be a liaison between God and his people. The priesthood was established by Moses; the priests served the nation of Israel. Some versions of the Bible use the phrase chief priests.