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What is the pipe outside my house?
If you have a central air conditioning system, you may be looking at a condensation drain. When an air conditioner cools the air in the house it also removes moisture from the air. These drains are often made of PVC and will slowly drip on the side of your home.
What is a soil and vent pipe?
A soil vent pipe (SVP), also known as a soil stack pipe, drain-waste-vent or ventilated discharge pipe, is typically a vertical pipe that removes sewage and greywater from a building. If a downward slope is not possible, a collection pit with a ‘sewage ejector’ pump can be installed.
What is the outside drain called?
A drain cleanout provides access to your main sewer line and is located outside of your home in the front or back yard. Cleanouts typically go unnoticed until there is a problem.
What is the pipe coming out of my basement floor?
Foundation drains are pipes that are installed under your foundation or basement floor to collect water and move it off-site to prevent your basement from filling with water.
What are the 2 pipes outside my house?
Most furnace systems have a 2-pipe system where one pipe intakes fresh outside air and the other vents flue exhaust gases to the outside. They also have to be high enough off the ground to help reduce the risk of snowfall blocking the pipes. Make sure these pipes have a minimum clearance of 5 feet.
Why is the pipe outside my house leaking?
There are several reasons that leaks in your outdoor pipes can develop. For one thing, the pipes may be old or they may have been defective to begin with. Improper installation or shoddy workmanship can all lead to problems later on.
Where is the vent pipe located?
Plumbing vent pipes are located on roofs, away from windows or air conditioning units, so that the fumes can easily dissipate.
What are footing drains?
A Footing Drain is an exterior foundation drainage system outside the foundation wall. Footing drains exist in both commercial and residential buildings. The drain itself is covered with gravel which allows the water to seep into the tile.
What are sewer lines made of?
The types of home drain pipes that are most typically seen today are either made of copper or the plastics polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). Other types of drain pipes are sometimes encountered in pre-1960 homes, such as drain/waste/vent (DWV) piping made of iron or steel.
Where is plumbing vent pipe?
What kind of pipe is coming out of the ground?
Here’s eight we know of: 1) Electrical conduit – If there was once an above-ground pool or shed in the backyard, there may have been electric service through a conduit pipe coming up out the ground to a receptacle outlet box for it that is also now gone. The pipe would have a diameter of 1” or less, and either metal or gray plastic.
Where are the pipes at the end of the drain field?
These are actually two pipes sticking up from the ground that are literally at the ends of the drain fields and they are both capped off. They are about 20 feet apart, 2 inch pipes that stick up out of the ground about 16 inches. The lift pump us up closer to the house near the septic tank.
What do you use to shut off a water line in the ground?
6) Underground water shut-off valve – When there’s a water pipe underground with an in-line shut-off valve, a large diameter plastic, often light green, will be installed over it so you can reach down in the ground to use the valve.
What kind of pipe fittings do Plumbers use?
They are used when pipes pass through walls, ceilings and floors. The most common flange for DIY plumbers is the closet flange, or toilet flange. This is what secures a toilet to the floor and also connects the toilet drain to the drain pipe. Cap Fittings – A cap fits over the end of a pipe to stop the flow of water or gas.