What is the mass in grams of 1 atom of lead?

What is the mass in grams of 1 atom of lead?

202 amu is the average weight of a single lead atom. We can also write 202 grams as the weight of an Avogadro’s number of lead atoms.

What is the mass of a lead atom?

207.2 u
Lead/Atomic mass

What is the mass of 1 gram atom?

Hint: One gram atom means the mass of one mole of an element equal in grams to the atomic weight. One gram atom of oxygen is defined as the atoms present in one gram of oxygen atom. Complete step by step answer: First of all we will define the terms like one gram atom, one gram molecule and AMU units.

What has the mass of 1 gram?

Grams is a unit of measurement used to measure very light objects. For example, a small metal paperclip has a mass of around 1 gram. Other objects with a mass of about 1 gram are a stick of gum and a dollar bill.

What is the mass in grams of a single atom of SB?

The Elements, sorted by Atomic Mass

Atomic Number Symbol Atomic Weight (amu, g/mol)
51 Sb 121.75
53 I 126.9045
52 Te 127.60
54 Xe 131.30

What is the mass of 1 mole of lead II oxide?

223.2 g/mol
Lead(II) oxide/Molar mass

What does the atomic mass tell us?

Atomic mass of an element tells us the number of times an atom of the element is heavier than of the mass of an atom of carbon-12. A unit suitable for the mass of atoms and the mass of subatomic particles is the atomic mass unit (u).

What is the molecular weight of lead?

Lead has a molar mass of 207.2 g/mol. Assuming it is composed entirely of 206Pb, 207Pb and 208 Pb and the percentages of the two lightest isotopes are equal, calculate the relative percentages of these isotopes in the natural element.

What is the number of neutrons in lead?

Since lead has 82 protons, the number of neutrons in an atom of lead-204 is 204-82=122 . Similarly, lead-206 has 124 neutrons, lead-207 has 125 neutrons and lead-208 has 126 neutrons.

How many protons in lead?

Lead has atomic number 82, which means each lead atom has 82 protons. This is the highest atomic number for the stable elements. Natural lead consists of a mixture of 4 stable isotopes, although radioisotopes also exist.