What is the instrument used to measure the rate of transpiration?

What is the instrument used to measure the rate of transpiration?

Potometer. A potometer can be used to measure the rate of transpiration that’s proportional to water uptake.

How would you investigate the effect of wind speed on transpiration rate?

The wind will come from a fan and will measured using an anemometer. WIND- Air movements carry away water vapour from leaves and this prevents air around them from becoming saturated with water vapour. Consequently, depending upon temperature and humidity, transpiration is faster on a windy day than in still air.

Which of the following is used to measure the rate of water uptake in plants?

The uptake of water can be measured using a potometer. Under normal circumstances, the rate of water uptake gives a measure of the rate of transpiration . A simple potometer is a piece of capillary tubing to which a plant has been connected.

What are the materials needed to conduct transpiration?

Requirements: Bell jar, well-watered potted plant, rubber sheet, glass plate, Vaseline.

Which apparatus is used to record the rate of transpiration in a cut shoot?

photometer is the apparatus to record the rate of transpiration in a cut shoot.

Which apparatus is used in the measurement of root pressure?

The instrument used for measuring root pressure is a manometer. In plants, the force that helps to drive fluids upward into the water-conducting vessels (xylem) is called root pressure.

How can you experimentally demonstrate transpiration in leaves?

  1. Take the well watered potted plant and cover it with the rubber sheet. The aerial parts of the plant should be left uncovered.
  2. Put the plant on the glass plate and cover with the bell jar.
  3. Prepare a same setup but without a plant in the second bell jar.
  4. Place the apparatus in sunlight for sometime.

What are the tissues involved in transpiration and translocation?

Transpiration primarily includes the xylem cells that become effective by the roots during the absorption process. Translocation involves both xylem and phloem cells to carry the synthesized food materials inside the plant.

How do you investigate transpiration?

The rate of transpiration can be investigated by measuring the decrease in mass due to water loss, or by measuring the volume of water absorbed.

How can you experimentally demonstrate that transpiration occurs from leaves?


  1. Get six small plants, three with wide leaves and three with narrow leaves. Use the masking tape and pen to give each one a number.
  2. Water the plants until water comes out of the bottom of the pot. If the plants are really dry when you start, water them thoroughly and wait a few minutes. Then, water them again.

Why is narrow capillary tubing used in a potometer?

Capillary Tubing: This is due to a combination of surface tension (cohesive forces) and adhesion with the walls of the tube surface. The thinner the tube or the less dense the fluid, the higher the liquid will rise (xylem vessels are thin: 20 – 200 µm)

How do you measure the rate of transpiration?

Measuring the Rate of Transpiration. To measure the rate of transpiration we use a piece of equipment called a potometer. A potometer measures how factors such as light, temperature, humidity, light intensity and wind will affect the rate of transpiration. The main type of potometer is the ‘bubble’ potometer shown in the figure below.

Can A potometer be used to measure transpiration?

A potometer can be used to measure the rate of transpiration that’s proportional to water uptake. Transpiration cannot be measured directly as some of the water will be used in photosynthesis.

How are environmental factors affect the rate of transpiration?

This section explains how various environmental factors can change the rate of transpiration, and also examines how the structure of the leaves has adapted to minimise this water loss. Learners will need to understand the factors that affect the transpiration rate such as temperature, light intensity, wind and humidity.

Which is better transpiration with wind or without wind?

By identifying these results; it is possible to conclude that the test without wind (0.7626707 to 2.0558859) had a greater rate in transpiration than the test with wind. (0.2738613 to 1.4556785)