What is the comparative and superlative of delicious?

What is the comparative and superlative of delicious?

Comparative. more delicious. Superlative. most delicious. When a food is delicious, it is tasty or tastes very nice.

What’s the comparative form of delicious?

ANSWER: Comparative of delicious is more delicious.

What is comparative and superlative with examples?

Comparative adjectives are used to compare one noun to another noun. In these instances, only two items are being compared. For example, someone might say that “the blue bird is angrier than the robin.” Superlative adjectives demonstrate a higher level of comparison between entities.

What is the adjective of delicious?

adjective. highly pleasing to the senses, especially to taste or smell: a delicious dinner; a delicious aroma. very pleasing; delightful: a delicious sense of humor. noun.

What is the comparative degree of wealth?

wealthy ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌

adjective wealthy
comparative wealthier
superlative wealthiest

How do you identify comparative and superlative?

When the adjective has two or more syllables, the comparative is formed by using the adverbs ‘more’ or ‘less’, and the superlative is formed by using the adverbs ‘most’ or ‘least’.

What is noun for delicious?

delicacy. The quality of being delicate. Something appealing, usually a pleasing food, especially a choice dish of a certain culture suggesting rarity and refinement -a Chinese delicacy. Fineness or elegance of construction or appearance.

What is the adverb of delicious?

adverb. /dɪˈlɪʃəsli/ /dɪˈlɪʃəsli/ ​in a way that tastes or smells very good.

What is the comparative and superlative of little?

Some have more than one option: little can become littler or less (comparative), and littlest or least (superlative). Many, some, or much become more in the comparative and most in the superlative.

What is the superlative form for the adjective delicious?

What is the comparative form of delicious? More delicious is the comparative form of delicious, and most delicious is the superlative. What is the superlative form of the adjective delicious?

Which is an example of a superlative adjective?

Delicious = more delicious. Excellent = more excellent. Good = better. Examples of adjectives and their superlative form: Tall = tallest. Fast = fastest. Big = biggest. Delicious = most delicious. Excellent = most excellent.

Which is the best example of a comparative adjective?

Fast = fastest. Big = biggest. Delicious = most delicious. Excellent = most excellent. Good = best. Examples of comparative and superlative adjectives in a sentence: 1) I think Lisa is shorter than Pam. 2) Of all the boys, Paul runs the fastest. 3) In the music show, the horns were the loudest instruments.