What is max volume for IM injection?

What is max volume for IM injection?

Overall, 5 mL has been cited for adults as the maximum volume for a single IM injection, with lower maximums proposed for adult patients with less-developed or small muscle mass.

What is a safe amount of medication to inject intramuscularly?

For a well-developed adult, no more than 5 ml of medication should be administered in a single IM injection because the muscle tissue does not absorb it well. For “deep” IM injections, the recommended volume ranges from 2 to 5 ml.

How many milliliters can be injected intramuscularly?

For “deep” IM injections, the recommended volume ranges from 2 to 5 ml. If the patient’s available muscle tissue is limited and the dorsogluteal muscle must be used, volumes of up to 4 ml can be administered into this site. The ventrogluteal muscle can accommodate up to 2.5 ml, with a maximum volume of 3 ml.

What is the maximum volume to inject on a horse if you are giving an intramuscular injection?

A maximum of 15 mls should be used per site. If giving a larger shot, give 15 mls, pull the needle out until you are almost out if the skin, push it back in at a much different angle, check for blood, then complete the injection.

What is Max IM dose?

For serious infections, AAP recommends a dose of 100 mg/kg/day IV or IM divided every 12 to 24 hours (Max: 4 g/day). The FDA-approved labeling recommends 50 to 75 mg/kg/day IV or IM divided every 12 hours (Max: 2 g/day) for serious infections.

What is the maximum mL for IM injection?

If injecting into the vastus lateralis , ventrogluteal, gluteus medius, or dorsogluteal muscles of an adult, the volume should not exceed 3 mL. If administering an IM injection into a child under age 2, the maximum amount that should be administered is 1 mL.

What is the maximum volume for subcutaneous injection?

The site of injection is usually rotated when injections are frequently given. The maximum amount of medication that can be subcutaneously injected is about 2 ml. Needles are generally 3/8 to 1 inch in length and 24 to 27 gauge.

What is maximum amount of IM injection?

Intramuscularly (IM): An intramuscular injection is one that is given in the muscle. The maximum amount of fluid an adult can safely be given intramuscularly is 3 mL; for a child, the maximum is 1 mL.