What is daily life like in Iceland?

What is daily life like in Iceland?

Life in Reykjavik – Life follows a very specific rhythm in the Capital city, probably everywhere in Iceland. In general, the pace of life was much slower than I was used to. Icelanders work hard and they play hard, to use an old cliche. Icelanders take long vacations, some up to 4 weeks in the summer!

What sports do Iceland play?

Iceland men’s national handball team/Sport

What is the national food of Iceland?

A motion has been passed at the general meeting of the Icelandic Association of Sheep Farmers to look into getting lamb officially recognised as the national dish of Iceland.

How do Icelanders greet each other?

Icelanders customarily shake hands when greeting and taking leave of each other. Common greetings include gódan daginn (good day), gott kvöld (good evening), and bless (goodbye). Icelanders generally call each other by their first names, even in formal situations.

What is Iceland’s religion?

Religion in Iceland has been predominantly Christian since the adoption of Christianity as the state religion by the Althing under the influence of Olaf Tryggvason, the king of Norway, in 999/1000 CE.

What are the best things to do in Iceland?

With volcanic, glacial terrains and rich cultural heritage, there’s much in Iceland. White water rafting is one of the best outdoor activities in Iceland. You hit the massive waves and hear the sound of gushing waters.

How is the work life balance in Iceland?

Almost 11% of Icelanders are reported to work very long hours and in comparisons with all 36 OECD countries, Iceland ranks in 26th place when it comes to time spent at work. When it comes to time devoted to leisure and personal care, Iceland’s ranking among the OECD countries is only 32nd.

What kind of life do people in Iceland have?

During recent decades, the country has experienced a very slow and relatively small increase in population. Living standards and life expectancy go hand in hand. Iceland’s people enjoy excellent medical care, are welleducated, and earn good incomes. Under these conditions, most people can expect to have long, healthy, and productive lives.

How many hours does the average person work in Iceland?

Icelanders on average work 1697 hours a year, which is still less than the average of 1749 hours in OECD countries. However, the OECD work-life index suggests that when it comes to balancing working life and leisure time, things seem to be much better in other Nordic countries.