What is cumulative and loose sentence?

What is cumulative and loose sentence?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A loose sentence (also called a cumulative sentence) is a type of sentence in which the main idea (independent clause) is elaborated by the successive addition of modifying clauses or phrases.

Why do writers use cumulative sentences?

Cumulative sentences are also known as “loose sentences.” They are simple and provide the reader with the main idea. After, come modifiers and additional elements that add detail. They bring together information about a person, place, idea, or event (or whatever is being discussed).

What is a periodic and cumulative sentence?

PERIODIC AND CUMULATIVE SENTENCES: TWO EFFECTIVE SENTENCE SHAPES: The periodic sentence is built on suspense and delay: it puts maximum emphasis on the way the sentence ends. The cumulative sentence aims for upfront impact; there is no suspense, but rather, the rolling momentum of an extended follow-through.

What is an example of a balanced sentence?

“Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it.” This is another very simple and clear example of a balanced sentence. Both clauses have the same length and word order, emphasizing the idea of truth and adding pleasing rhythm.

What is the cumulative sentence?

A cumulative sentence, or consecutive sentence, is one which does not begin to run until the expiration of a prior sentence. Unlike concurrent sentences, which are served simultaneously, cumulative sentences follow one another and adds (as opposed to combine) to the duration of one’s sentence.

What is a cumulative sentence in literature?

A cumulative sentence (also sometimes called a loose sentence) is an independent clause followed by one or more modifiers. Essentially, you use words, phrases, and clauses to expand on or refine the main idea of the sentence. The effect can be natural as it parallels what often happens in speech.

What does cumulative sentence mean?

Primary tabs. A cumulative sentence, or consecutive sentence, is one which does not begin to run until the expiration of a prior sentence. Unlike concurrent sentences, which are served simultaneously, cumulative sentences follow one another and adds (as opposed to combine) to the duration of one’s sentence.

Is a cumulative sentence a complex sentence?

A cumulative sentence is known as a “loose sentence,” that starts with an independent clause or main clause, which is simple and straight, provides main idea, and then adds subordinate elements or modifiers. It adds subordinate or modifying elements after the subject and the predicate.

What is a cumulative sentence law?

Cumulative sentence: A punishment or term of imprisonment which commences at the expiration of another punishment or term of imprisonment. Concurrent sentence: A sentence that is served at the same time as another sentence.

How do you use cumulative in a sentence?

USE A CUMULATIVE SENTENCE. A cumulative sentence is, in a sense, the opposite of a periodic sentence: instead of appearing at the end of a series of dependent clauses, the independent clause opens the sentence, followed by the accumulation of dependent clauses and phrases that modify the independent clause.

What is a sentence using the word cumulative?

A cumulative sentence, which is also known as a “loose sentence”, is a sentence that starts with an independent clause or main clause . This independent or main clause provides the main idea that is expressed in a simple and direct manner.

What is the definition of cumulative sentence?

Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. A cumulative sentence is known as a “loose sentence,” that starts with an independent clause or main clause, which is simple and straight, provides main idea, and then adds subordinate elements or modifiers. It adds subordinate or modifying elements after the subject and the predicate.

What is sentence examples?

An example of sentence is a group of words in a book that begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark. Sentence means a ruling of punishment made by a judge in a court case. An example of sentence is twenty years in prison after a murder conviction.